Search results

  1. C

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    Hi bitshare, I try to upload file via ftp but got "553 Disk full - please upload later" Please check.
  2. C

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    Hi, BitShare. I can't connect to your ftp server. And remote/ftp file can not move. please check. user: checkmail2
  3. C

    UploadStation - $32 / 1000 Downloads! All Countries Paid! (Official Thread)

    Hello, I login my account in your website got "user disabled!", but login via ftp without problem. Please help me to fix this problem. Thanks. username: checkmail (premium account)
  4. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi BitShare Are you set the liimit download for premium account? But in FAQ, your message said that the premium is no waittimes and limit....
  5. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi BitShare, Could you please provide any update on this case? I still not received the problem payments at the past ten days. And I found one more payment got same issue. Please check. Thanks. account name: checkmail payment request date: 2011-08-25 19:18 payment request date: 2011-09-17...
  6. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    I got same issue. account name : checkmail
  7. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    I got same issue in my account, BitShare reply "please be patient, its done soon." account name: checkmail payment request date: 2011-08-25 19:18 account name: checkmail2 payment request date: 2011-08-15 21:40
  8. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    I believe that their paypal payment have problem, their website show 6 completed payment, but I did not received it....:facepalm: I hope they fixed it asap:'(
  9. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi BitShare, I can't receive your complete payment over 3 weeks, could you please help to check this issue. Thanks. account name: checkmail payment request date: 2011-08-25 19:18 account name: checkmail2 payment request date: 2011-08-15 21:40
  10. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi BitShare, I can't receive your complete payment over 1 week, please check. Thanks. account name: checkmail payment request date: 2011-08-25 19:18 account name: checkmail2 payment request date: 2011-08-15 21:40
  11. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Thanks BitShare, I received the payment of "2011-08-22"
  12. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi, BitShare, Please rank up my new account to plantium. Thanks. Account name : checkmail2
  13. C

    FreakShare - Earn up to €45/$60 per 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Please upgrade my acc. Thanks. Account : checkmail
  14. C

    BitShare Challenge - New Rates: $ 45 per 1000 Downloads

    Hi BitShare, Please rank up to platinum. I have high sales and over 500 download per day. Thanks. Username : checkmail
  15. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi BitShare, Please rank up to platinum. I have high sales and over 500 download per day. Thanks. Username : checkmail
  16. C

    BitShare Challenge - New Rates: $ 45 per 1000 Downloads

    Me too, I still waiting BS response....
  17. C

    BitShare Challenge - New Rates: $ 45 per 1000 Downloads

    Hello BitShare, I found some request payment (09-Jun & 20-Jun) did not completed. Please help me to check this. Thanks. BitShare Account : checkmail
  18. C

    BitShare Challenge - New Rates: $ 45 per 1000 Downloads

    Hi BitShare, I found that one payment was skip. Please check. Thanks. Account name : checkmail
  19. C

    BitShare Challenge - New Rates: $ 45 per 1000 Downloads

    Hi, BitShare. Thanks for your help. The traffic resume normal.