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Dear WJ,

We are back again! After being set back, we hope to see you again.

Kindly login to the normal panel that you used to use, and the stats will be resumed tomorrow. Starting today, people are already earning with their old files - If you have outstanding money, it will continue to count today.

Changes we will have to implement in the short-coming future:
-A little longer wait time in between files
-A little longer waiting time to get the files
-Storage: We have implemented a SAFE storage where Premium users can hold 10TB of data (without it getting deleted), however, upload all you want (literally no limits), and if the file becomes inactive (90 days inactivity) it will be removed.

What remains unchanged:
-Speed for the anonymous and free user: Anonymous will enjoy up to 400 KB/s whilst free users will enjoy up to 800 KB/s.
-Rates. Same same
-No restrictions on file size except 2048 MB. Files above 2048 MB will be exclusively for Premium users.

We hope to be seeing you soon again on our service.

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Hi Bigfile-Jo

Please activate my Partner Account and Add My Sites

I already Send PM to Uploadable Jo


Bigfile-Jo has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
-Storage: We have implemented a SAFE storage where Premium users can hold 10TB of data (without it getting deleted), however, upload all you want (literally no limits), and if the file becomes inactive (90 days inactivity) it will be removed.

Could you explain how it works? Can we specify which 10TB files we want to keep? I cannot see any buttons or new functionalities regarding this. If you mean ALL files will be expired after 90 days inactivity after premium users stored more than 10TB files, it's a bad idea.

In addition, premium members cannot see how much storage space they have used.
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With the return incomes are much lower in downloads ...

Will be a problem as limited storage limit today with 8TB drives and more.
But security is worth less files and more storage capacity.
thank you for raising file size to 2GB again. I can live with longer timer for DL and between files but 450MB for free user was just a pain !
The statistics is undoubtedly problematic; both yours and mine have the same issue -- only 2-digit counts.

But the two changes "a little longer wait time in between files" and "a little longer waiting time to get the files" might cause the current result. I'm not sure.
LadyK: Only a matter of time when people find out that they can download much quicker with us than any others.

tlendax1sdolar: We will add neither for now as demand for such isn't high enough.

devil_lucifer & gibalah: JDownloader and other tools that people use aren't supported (as of yet), so this may cause the difference. Also in terms of "recognition", people don't recognize BigFile.
NOTE TO ALL: We aim to release "Safe Box" feature on Tuesday the 8th. This will include a "Safe Box" (hence we called it this) area where you can put 10TB worth of files in that you want for safe keeping without it ever being deleted. Anything outside of the "Safe Box" will be deleted after 90 days inactivity. The upside to this is that you will never ask for your storage to be extended again - Upload all you want!
NOTE TO ALL: We aim to release "Safe Box" feature on Tuesday the 8th. This will include a "Safe Box" (hence we called it this) area where you can put 10TB worth of files in that you want for safe keeping without it ever being deleted. Anything outside of the "Safe Box" will be deleted after 90 days inactivity. The upside to this is that you will never ask for your storage to be extended again - Upload all you want!

This is very good for my big collection

What is the Time Interval between downloads for Free and Premium Users ?
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