Best Antivirus

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If your looking for Free and reliable AV solution i guess microsoft essential Would do the work for you. It doesn't eat up Resources. and i Do trust this AV when my Kaspersky Runs out.
I will do a tally of every Anti V soon, but for the moment my choice is Eset. It is very light i have never had a problem with it, I use the cracked Safe version. Updates everything runs perfectly. Yes Eset is the one to go to. I absolutely HATE Norton and my friend who uses norton i hate him too! for using it ha, I even have a friend who is tech support for norton Hes very nice :D So if youve a problem with norton ill sort ya out xD haha, I honestly could not give a proper copy of norton away to ANYONE!! Legit copy , Hello would you like a LEGIT NORTON ANTi V Key for free legit and for 1 year . No thank you!
I couldnt sell it for 2 euro... Dont know where it is now but it can still be used
Trend Maximum Protection is actually quite good, has some nice features like computer speed up abilities by modifying system startup.

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the best is Kaspersky Internet Security ;)

Kaspersky is very good also (I mentioned Trend as well) We use both actually. Trend on the client side and Kaspersky at the edge.
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