Anyone seen UltimA?

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Hey.. UltimA, just a quick suggestion... dunno if you thought of this or not.. but it was just a thought...

... how about putting up my links and banner that I paid for? Hmm?
Hey don't sweat it, everyone has problems, and I knew that you weren't "trying to scam" me -- others have done it and I know the difference.

Just would like to see what I paid for!

And bro (I'm just assuming, from experience) if you're having woman problems -- they will always be there -- women will ALWAYS cause you much, much grief in life and there is no such thing as "the one" so if you're in love, take a step back and look at other girls around the world. Columbian girls are by far the hottest looking. There's plenty of fish in the sea my man, don't put all your eggs in one basket ;)

But alas... we always learn this the "hard" way. 8-)

LMAo - would be really funny if your guess turns out to be true :P

@UltimA ; Anyways - That's why i always call for an effective TWO way communication!
Nope, my two links are not up yet in the header, and the site's down. I am told that my links will be up today though. If the site ever goes back up that is.
^ Links will be up as soon as I get home tonight!

I've logged the start dates of each advertising space, so it's all set! :)
And bro (I'm just assuming, from experience) if you're having woman problems -- they will always be there -- women will ALWAYS cause you much, much grief in life and there is no such thing as "the one" so if you're in love, take a step back and look at other girls around the world. Columbian girls are by far the hottest looking. There's plenty of fish in the sea my man, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I suggest you keep coding because you know shit about the real life :D (just messin around lol) No seriously: your opinion doesn't necessarily have to be true. There is the one, you just have some trouble finding her :D

ontopic: You should be happy for the delay, now you are getting a bit of time EXTRA ;)
I suggest you keep coding because you know shit about the real life :D (just messin around lol) No seriously: your opinion doesn't necessarily have to be true. There is the one, you just have some trouble finding her :D

Alas... as I said before, we all learn from experience -- and time is the best teacher. "Some trouble finding her"? Are you kidding me? Boy are you in for some heartache and lessons of life :P :P No offense... Looks like you will go through the inevitable cycles, and in time you will realize what I said was true!

And yes, there is "the One" out there. His name is Neo. He is the Chosen One who will save us all as prophecied by Morpheus, he's been programmed with kung fu, and he can manipulate time and slow down the relative speed of bullets and catch them with his fingers and... ok well you get the picture. :P :P
Clearly UltimA's internet connection is so slow that it just takes him months to get a simple thing done.

I had the same problem, 15 years ago... on my IBM PC 8088.
UltimA, atlease see my PMs, it's already 40 days over, you collected the money from, but no reply or service then. The problem is why you have chosen Wjunction as medium?
UltimA was online today .... Anybody has issues with him, please don't open new threads but PM him. If he doesn't respond and you paid him money, report.
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