Anyone seen UltimA?

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If the above statements are correct (being on MSN etc):

This is exactly how not to do business. Like others said, having no time is no excuse when you (apparently) have time to do other things on your PC. And seriously, $800. If someone paid me that amount of money for something I'd be as professional as possible with the deal. Not caring to much (or so it seems) about $800 does say something about ones personality.


I see Ultima as a member of WJ instead of the owner of one of the largest warez forums out there. So should some of you. Don't see a person as super trusted because of accomplishments as a webmaster. Trust should be earned, this topic is a perfect tutorial on how to loose some :p.
Like i said before, if your to busy to do a simple task, why not pass the baton onto another admin who has time to do the things he isn't doing. If he's so "busy" whys he still taking on tasks?
If the above statements are correct (being on MSN etc):

This is exactly how not to do business. Like others said, having no time is no excuse when you (apparently) have time to do other things on your PC. And seriously, $800. If someone paid me that amount of money for something I'd be as professional as possible with the deal. Not caring to much (or so it seems) about $800 does say something about ones personality.


I see Ultima as a member of WJ instead of the owner of one of the largest warez forums out there. So should some of you. Don't see a person as super trusted because of accomplishments as a webmaster. Trust should be earned, this topic is a perfect tutorial on how to loose some :p.

I agree ... +100
He was damn active when selling those links. Disappearing after you get the money, even with all that reputation to back your trust up, is IMO, very unprofessional.

Seriously, and he calls himself a webmaster?

Just because you have a successful site, does not mean you're a webmaster. Being a webmaster means shouldering a lot of responsibilities and being ethical. I'll take Little Dragon's site on this, given what he says here is true (since we have yet to hear anything from Ultima).
Show the screeny you send the payment, before I say anything, you have no proof I wont comment or side with someone until i see some screenshots.
JMaldo, I'm not gonna show screenshots, but respect your wishes to refrain from comment, however, my payment is not the issue -- I have paid many webmasters and continue to do so for advertising and am the owner of DDLCMS, what reason do I have to lie about this?

Well it seems I'm out a big chunk of money:


$400 USD for a navbar text link
$400 USD for a footer banner 468x60
$420 USD for two header text links

Only the first item has been done after much waiting and nagging, weeks AFTER he said it would "be up".

Here is my latest "conversation" with UltimA (if you wanna call it that):

29/07/2009 9:44:25 PM Little Dragon: Will the links be up today?
29/07/2009 9:44:41 PM Little Dragon: You just have to copy and paste the code
29/07/2009 9:50:52 PM UltimA: Should be.
29/07/2009 10:28:09 PM Little Dragon: Man... can you tell me by what time my links will be up
29/07/2009 10:28:33 PM UltimA: I'm figuring out how to include PHP in vBulletin, as you can't in styles.
29/07/2009 11:38:43 PM Little Dragon: Can you at least fix my navbar link and put up my footer banner link
01/08/2009 8:55:38 AM Little Dragon: You gonna put my banner up ? It's a copy/paste code man
01/08/2009 8:55:52 AM Little Dragon: Paid for all this so why is that taking so long?
02/08/2009 11:47:36 AM Little Dragon: Can you message me when you're around? Let me know if there is any issue with putting up the banner and links... if there is any problem, or if you need help etc.. just a status, even if you're busy let me know.. thanks bro
02/08/2009 11:48:06 AM Little Dragon: It'd be nice to have a Aug. 1st start date, yanno?
05/08/2009 1:23:49 PM Little Dragon: Yo
07/08/2009 12:04:38 AM Little Dragon: You gonna put my banner and links up anytime soon? Paid you 1200 USD remember
07/08/2009 12:04:56 AM Little Dragon: Message me when you login here, Im Appear Offline
07/08/2009 12:05:34 AM Little Dragon: At the end of 3 months I'm sure you'll want another $1200, by then, the links are already up so no worries, but please let me know what's going on

That's just the LAST few days of the ongoing conversation. Not a happy camper right now. :(
Freakin' hell, "Should be", "I'm figuring out how to include PHP in vBulletin". Very professional and ethical 8-).

#care who he is, respect -100% and he's on my untrusted list. There's just no excuse for ignoring a 'client' for that amount of time considering the amount of money involved. Especially when being on the PC anyway. Its like a 2 minute job at most.
I feel sorry for you Little Dragon. $820 is a lot of money. Did you make any post on his site asking for it? Maybe that way one of the other admins could see the post and help get this resolved. Ultima might be a bit quicker to act if negitive things were said about him on his site.
How did you pay? If paypal start a dispute that should start to get things done,
I think he paid over ePassporte or WU... PayPal Isn't good for big transactions. Because It's getting locked soon.

I don't know UltimA . And I can't say anything bad/good about him. It's not good to let your customers wait for like 2 weeks. But one thing I know , It isn't your site telling about how you're trustworthy. Because I know one guy from my country , He's owner of biggest social network in Balcan , and biggest Gaming portal. And he's not trusted. ;)

There is bigger forums then WScene. You could have a chat with new owner , he's very good person. ;)
Search for the thread where UltimA was selling the nav bar links. You will find that he confirmed that Little Dragon paid and the links will be up soon.

"29/07/2009 10:28:33 PM UltimA: I'm figuring out how to include PHP in vBulletin, as you can't in styles." - really cracked me up. LOL. =]
I feel sorry for you Little Dragon. $820 is a lot of money. Did you make any post on his site asking for it? Maybe that way one of the other admins could see the post and help get this resolved. Ultima might be a bit quicker to act if negitive things were said about him on his site.
Wardog or JamesRose would trash it when they see it. Also note that Ultima acts like he is god (reply @ the convo)
hey was just on msn 2 minutes ago i messaged him with this.

(¯`·._)Jã§ÕÑ(¯`·._) says:
people are talking huge shit about you man wtf are you doing?

and i got nothing back... making me start to wonder myself in the end i feel sorry for the people that got scammed and even if he does add the banner at this time the real damage is done... he USED to be a great guy but i guess things change...
My full reply will be coming soon -- messaged LittleDragon over MSN to sort it.
In short, I take full responsibility for the delay, and he will receive a few weeks credit for it.

I'll explain to a few people the personal issues, but it won't be fully posted here.

Thank you.
its fine as long as its solved. there's no need to explain hundreds of ppl here if Litte Dragon gets what he bought/purchased.

My full reply will be coming soon -- messaged LittleDragon over MSN to sort it.
In short, I take full responsibility for the delay, and he will receive a few weeks credit for it.

I'll explain to a few people the personal issues, but it won't be fully posted here.

Thank you.

Hey don't sweat it, everyone has problems, and I knew that you weren't "trying to scam" me -- others have done it and I know the difference.

Just would like to see what I paid for!

And bro (I'm just assuming, from experience) if you're having woman problems -- they will always be there -- women will ALWAYS cause you much, much grief in life and there is no such thing as "the one" so if you're in love, take a step back and look at other girls around the world. Columbian girls are by far the hottest looking. There's plenty of fish in the sea my man, don't put all your eggs in one basket ;)

But alas... we always learn this the "hard" way. 8-)

ok that was one hell of a guess u made >.>

will be more amazed if ur rite.
Hey don't sweat it, everyone has problems, and I knew that you weren't "trying to scam" me -- others have done it and I know the difference.

Just would like to see what I paid for!

And bro (I'm just assuming, from experience) if you're having woman problems -- they will always be there -- women will ALWAYS cause you much, much grief in life and there is no such thing as "the one" so if you're in love, take a step back and look at other girls around the world. Columbian girls are by far the hottest looking. There's plenty of fish in the sea my man, don't put all your eggs in one basket ;)

But alas... we always learn this the "hard" way. 8-)

lol WTF!? That's the best paragraph I've read in a week hahahahaha.

It truely would be funny if that's the case, but I seriously doubt it, although women can take up a lot of time, it wouldn't take the time for 10 - 20 minutes work lol.
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