AltusHost Inc.

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Btw are they offshore ? and do they allow warez linking?
I read their TOS and nothing was mentioned specifically about warez linking
Btw are they offshore ? and do they allow warez linking?
I read their TOS and nothing was mentioned specifically about warez linking
They allow Warez Linking.

Their servers are with Ecatel(NL) but they spoofed their IPs which makes it look as if their servers are located in Belize.
Like it had any meaning...

Anyway, don't be lazy and use search. There already are topics about that host on this board and if I recall correctly, reactions weren't really positive.
Altus is owned by a 15 year old guy named carwyn who constantly gets hacked and his server rooted not recommended also his servers are slow.
Altus is owned by a 15 year old guy named carwyn who constantly gets hacked and his server rooted not recommended also his servers are slow.

Wow, nice story Luke! Please tell me how much time do you spend daily on writing those bullsh*ts! If you know nothing about altushost and their service, please just sh*t your mouth or show us some proofs. <_<
i am using this host for last three months. I feel support wise its not good. They wont mail us when their servers are down. Otherwise the host is good
stay away from them support is a waste of time i was with them am i glad i left too much downtime very unstable and the guy "nicola" has'nt got a clue
i was with them for 2 months the worse 2 months of my im lifeX-(

Few clients referred me to this topic. I registered because some people here posted a lot of untrue about our company.

So, let's answer on some of them :)

Altus is owned by a 15 year old guy named carwyn who constantly gets hacked and his server rooted not recommended also his servers are slow.

This is one very funny story :) . If you think that 15 years old guy can ran hosting company and operate 1000+ clients, then ok :)
Also, if you provide me ANY proof that our company is owned by that some "carwyn", or even proof that he work for us, I will provide you 2 years of free services.
Good deal?

vps are not managed they told me

They are shit .... If the server goes down ... they take a day to reboot it ... there service is really ******.

We never had such experience. Can you please tell your domain name so I can verify that u are our customer, and to check your story?

i am using this host for last three months. I feel support wise its not good. They wont mail us when their servers are down. Otherwise the host is good

Support not good? :)
We started with real 24/7 support from 1st May. We cannot mail you if there is some unplanned downtime.
But by our statistic 99% of our downtime is caused by suck scripts which our clients use.
However, our uptime is really more than 99.9% but,

lol the VPS are unmanaged :p because you cant get a Managed VPS at such low cost :)

They are managed. We assist our clients 24/7 with any kind of issue.

stay away from them support is a waste of time i was with them am i glad i left too much downtime very unstable and the guy "nicola" has'nt got a clue
i was with them for 2 months the worse 2 months of my im lifeX-(

Key fact here is you "was". However, please let me know your domain name so I can see what was wrong with your account.


If anybody else need some explanation about our services, please let me know.
But please stop posting untrue about us, without proof.
Edited to allow Nikola to reply - yes I know how old this thread is, but its about the same thing.

Nikola, as you know I have plenty of proof - which month do you need?
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