About the Servedome Downtime

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So, the big story here is that both ScorpioHost and Servedome were on the same NODE and both went down with the boat :(

Hope you had b-ups guys!
It's interesting how every company DLow gets involved with gets wiped out - CrypticVPS, WebDen, StableLayer and now ServeDome.

Hm wiped out? I still see webden up. Dlow cant be blamed for other's failures or their mistakes. Is it his fault that SyFlys fucked up stabelayer? No. And as for CrypticVps Dlow cant be help responsible for that. ACE lost data on his nodes, Not dlow. And finnaly for Servedome, Dlow is just a low level tech their. How the fuck could he manage to wipe it out.

DLow, please give me a full refund. I ordered hosting from you on 13 Jan. Today is 23 Jan. In this time my site was working ONLY 36 hours. It's currently down as well. Instead of refunding me and getting my data back(I REALLY hope you haven't LOST my data) you post non-sense posts here.

Please note, I want a FULL refund. It's at least you can do considering my site was down for 10 days because of you. Let ServeDome sort their issues out and you start taking care of your business.

I replyed to ur support ticket with the answer
I personally feel that all companies operate more or less in an acceptable manner when everything is working fine.
Companies are truly tested at times of crisis and this is where you see their true colors. They can either shine through this and become stronger, or fail miserably and alienate their entire clientbase.
I think the latter is what happened in this case.
Servedome has been an ok company up until now, because they didn't have any major issues.
Now that a very large issue arose, they chose to be completely ignorant of their clients and keep them in the dark until the issue is resolved, with the hope of buying time and preventing them from jumping ship.

I personally do not want to be hosted in a company that does not know how to react and behave when things go wrong.
Byebye Servedome.

exactly. Servedome has no reputation at all. Its far beyond negitive. As a webmaster we are required to make backups, but as a host you are required to protect our fucking shit. Having a VPS/Dedicated means its my fucking server how the fuck did someone access it? and wipe all my shit? for that matter every server in the company. Seriously? lol.

i dont run a hosting company but i know that with godaddy they cant access my server without my written permission and my password.
Hm wiped out? I still see webden up. Dlow cant be blamed for other's failures or their mistakes. Is it his fault that SyFlys fucked up stabelayer? No. And as for CrypticVps Dlow cant be help responsible for that. ACE lost data on his nodes, Not dlow. And finnaly for Servedome, Dlow is just a low level tech their. How the fuck could he manage to wipe it out.

Eh, please read I wrote again, then re-read it once again. He's involved with every company that got wiped out.

Nice to see WebDen is up. Then you can kindly provide the latest backup to my friend shrek. It won't be a problem since your server is online, right?

Yes, he was only a lvl 1 tech which makes him more guilty than anyone here since he at least had some kind of access to the company, unlike me, Jordan, Tippie or whoever who was/is accused. When you take a look at his history of multiple wiped companies... could it be only a coincidence? I don't think so... but... it's just me...
Eh, please read I wrote again, then re-read it once again. He's involved with every company that got wiped out.

Nice to see WebDen is up. Then you can kindly provide the latest backup to my friend shrek. It won't be a problem since your server is online, right?

Yes, he was only a lvl 1 tech which makes him more guilty than anyone here since he at least had some kind of access to the company, unlike me, Jordan, Tippie or whoever who was/is accused. When you take a look at his history of multiple wiped companies... could it be only a coincidence? I don't think so... but... it's just me...

Totally correct - and no, Im completely sure you or Tippie have nothing to do with this. I dont know Jordan so I wont comment on that.
krun!x it seems like ur only bitching now @ dlow since he accused you.

No, I'm only pointing out the facts. I do have a right to defence myself, right? I answered every question while he hasn't answered to any of my questions. If we were on the court he would be accused ages ago ^_^

Totally correct - and no, Im completely sure you or Tippie have nothing to do with this. I dont know Jordan so I wont comment on that.

Thanks. Appreciated.
@ Krun!x

Unlike you, I have a life out side of WJunction. You have done nonthing but moniter this thread since it was made some one must be at fault ^_^

Your doing nonthing but IMO trying to make it out to make me look like the bad person as if i caused Servedomes down time ? Seriously GTFO

Bringing backup the stablelayer incident also ? really if you did not know he fucked me & ace.

Im negative near $500 because of Syflys.

As far as Shrek goes, I have his backup on my desktop if he wants it he can request it.

and also where the hell did tippie get brought up ? i have never accused tippie ? now your dragging more people into it,

What ? do you know more than i do about the serverdome incident ?

I made this thread to notify people that Servedome is staying and planned to rebuild.

Competition much ?
@ Krun!x

Unlike you, I have a life out side of WJunction. You have done nonthing but moniter this thread since it was made some one must be at fault ^_^

Your doing nonthing but IMO trying to make it out to make me look like the bad person as if i caused Servedomes down time ? Seriously GTFO

Bringing backup the stablelayer incident also ? really if you did not know he fucked me & ace.

Im negative near $500 because of Syflys.

As far as Shrek goes, I have his backup on my desktop if he wants it he can request it.

and also where the hell did tippie get brought up ? i have never accused tippie ? now your dragging more people into it,

What ? do you know more than i do about the serverdome incident ?

I made this thread to notify people that Servedome is staying and planned to rebuild.

Competition much ?

Yes, you sure do. I posted all the facts and if it makes you a bad person, you probably are a bad person. No idea how tippie got involved, someone mentioned it earlier in this thread.

No, you made this thread to cause unneded drama and get the potencial clients to re-consider using KnownSRV. Let me tell you straight, it just made us look more like a serious company than you and ServeDome together. You do realize accusing someone without any proof as a company representative makes you look stupid and unprofessional? No wonder why is everyone moving away from you guys.

That's all I wanted to say, let the community decides who is right and who is wrong. Good luck and hopefully, your companies won't get wiped out again. After all, you offer security services, why don't you secure your servers before offering your fake services to the world? Have you ever heard of antisec? They like noobs who preach and sell security services like you.

Let me quote them:
Some of you have seen a lot of casualties lately in the webhosting scene:
hosting companies being wiped and rm'd at the expense of their clients. While
some of this is collateral damage, we're about to show you, ladies and
gentlemen, that sometimes you aren't pwned because of who you host but what you
Practice what you preach.
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