About the Servedome Downtime

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Yes USA was also lost, How ever servedome is offering two months of free service and more if anyone read the letter fyi i know data was lost hell i lost data too.
@ ushare

the CEO is offline at this time of night due to time zones, If you submit a ticket or email them they will refund you as they have many others they are not a company to take the money and run i would refund you but i do not have access to that level of auth on servedome.

But i can assure you that you will be refunded since you do not want the two months free.
i will be continuing with their services :( as nothing can be done, coz that was my mistake , i didnt have backups :( anyways, i will start the site all over again :(

I will be getting two months free? Feb & March Right?

Thanks DLow

You can open a ticket just like this as many others have


If they had RAID10 why is it an issue to backup the data of the client. As mentioned they could get back the logs then why not the client's data?
With everything that happens people learn a lot of things ...

this is just a part of life ...

and i appriciate that servedome came forward with a reply of fixing the situation .....
When will those 2 free months start? I've paid up to 17/02/2011, I suppose they'll start then? Meaning I'll get till 17/04/2011 free?

EDIT: And what about the days that its been down (3 and counting)...?
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