About the Servedome Downtime

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Dlow, did the CEO tell you the status of dedi servers? I sent them a support ticket quite some time ago about it asking for an update and til today, they have not replied to it yet. I am losing many hundreds of dollars everyday with this downtime and without any update from their side, it is really starting to annoy me.
ServeDome said:
We are very sorry to inform you that there was a security breach in our core systems which has caused major destruction of data on our Linux VPS services.

DLow said:
With that being said, Servedome was not "Hacked" a better term for the Situation is "Compromised"

VPS customers of ServeDome and everyone here calls it hacked. Hacked is the proper, more descriptive term here for this disaster. But we know why you and the CEO use such mild, indirect words. Major loss of only all Linux VPS clients' data? That's got to be hundreds and hundreds of clients. I hope ServeDome gets its act together.

@DLow, please stop saying it's likely someone from WJunction. Jason said as much yesterday and even said he knew who had done it. It's all complete speculation and finger pointing at this community only engenders negativity. :|

HD-Dump was a Linux VPS client until days ago when ServeDome left us out in the cold for 48 hours with no notice whatsoever.
VPS customers of ServeDome and everyone here calls it hacked. Hacked is the proper, more descriptive term here for this disaster. But we know why you and the CEO use such mild, indirect words. Major loss of only all Linux VPS clients' data? That's got to be hundreds and hundreds of clients. I hope ServeDome gets its act together.

@DLow, please stop saying it's likely someone from WJunction. Jason said as much yesterday and even said he knew who had done it. It's all complete speculation and finger pointing at this community only engenders negativity. :|

HD-Dump was a Linux VPS client until days ago when ServeDome left us out in the cold for 48 hours with no notice whatsoever.

Even I know who was behind all this. DLow is right in saying that the guy is from WJ. -_-
What you know, BlaZe, is what you've heard on WJ and the shoutbox and DLow pointing fingers at Krun!x (I assume), since up until early yesterday you had no idea. It was only after the pointless drama in the chatbox last night that you became so sure of who did it (which again, is entirely speculation unless proved otherwise and backed with solid proof).

MSN chat logs prove nothing. And there are no solid facts at the moment. Let alone enough facts to compile a case for a lawsuit.
What you know, BlaZe, is what you've heard on WJ and the shoutbox and DLow pointing fingers at Krun!x (I assume), since up until early yesterday you had no idea. It was only after the pointless drama in the chatbox last night that you became so sure of who did it (which again, is entirely speculation unless proved otherwise and backed with solid proof).

MSN chat logs prove nothing. And there are no solid facts at the moment. Let alone enough facts to compile a case for a lawsuit.
Well, yes, I was asking what was the buzz about, but I knew SD was down, because few of my fellow webmasters are hosted there. I was aware of this issue when it occurred. The reason which I again asked in the SB, because I thought, the things going on at that time were something else.

Someone provided me with information who really did it, but I'm not allowed to speak that in public nor to anyone else.

If you think I do not know anything, then its fine. I accept I'm a noob, I'm an asshole. Ok ?
But anyways, I know myself who was behind this. But ServeDome is not my company, nor am I connected to it anyhow. So there is no particular reason why I should care about this whole compromised situation.

ServeDome has the logs and they have the IP of the person who messed up with the servers. Most probably, legal action will be taken. (just contact any ServeDome company person about this to get it confirmed, whether they are gonna do it or not) I just got this message via someone.

Also, let me again tell this. No one is pointing anything to Krunix, he is a good guy and has much knowledge about servers. He wouldn't do it as he runs a company himself and wouldn't like to ruin the reputation of it.
update on tickets


Thank you for contacting ServeDome Support Team.

We are working hard on setting up all the servers and will set it as soon as the server is fully set up and well secured. Meanwhile do remember to open a support ticket in the 'Technical Support' department or send an email to support@servedome.com with the subject 'Linux VPS - Service continuation' if you have yet to do so.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us again if you need any further assistance.

Best regards,

Pornpan Pijit
Managing Director
ServeDome Internet Services
Website: ServeDome Internet Services | Reliable and affordable hosting solutions
It's interesting how every company DLow gets involved with gets wiped out - CrypticVPS, WebDen, StableLayer and now ServeDome. Attack is the best defence eh?

What MSN logs? After I got the information I asked DLow is that true, he asked me where did I get it from and I answered an associate of mine had told me. He never confirmed or denied it which clearly proved it was true. After that I updated WJunction clients that waited more than 24 hours to get a reply from them. This is the thanks I get?

DLow, get your facts straight. You are not a Linux administrator or security expert. You can't handle hosting business, on all your hosting sites you ripped the templates of some well known hosting company and all of them were either sold, hacked or closed down. I find it very funny how you offer security services on your website while you can't even secure/protect your own companies. I already explained and proved how you take money for nothing(with .bash_history as a proof) but that thread got deleted from some reason. I will kindly forget your MSN threat and DDoS attack to one of my servers. I suggest you to stop talking shit because everyone on the scene knows you are a joke. Luckily, I will be nice and forget how you, as a representative of ServeDome DDoS'd one of my servers.

About ServeDome, with all due respect, it's completely their own fault. Next time consider hiring a security expert(instead of letting DLow to "secure" the servers) to secure your systems. When you host what you host, you are the target. Remember that.
It's interesting how every company DLow gets involved with gets wiped out - CrypticVPS, WebDen, StableLayer and now ServeDome. Attack is the best defence eh?

What MSN logs? After I got the information I asked DLow is that true, he asked me where did I get it from and I answered an associate of mine had told me. He never confirmed or denied it which clearly proved it was true. After that I updated WJunction clients that waited more than 24 hours to get a reply from them. This is the thanks I get?

DLow, get your facts straight. You are not a Linux administrator or security expert. You can't handle hosting business, on all your hosting sites you ripped the templates of some well known hosting company and all of them were either sold, hacked or closed down. I find it very funny how you offer security services on your website while you can't even secure/protect your own companies. I already explained and proved how you take money for nothing(with .bash_history as a proof) but that thread got deleted from some reason. I will kindly forget your MSN threat and DDoS attack to one of my servers. I suggest you to stop talking shit because everyone on the scene knows you are a joke. Luckily, I will be nice and forget how you, as a representative of ServeDome DDoS'd one of my servers.

About ServeDome, with all due respect, it's completely their own fault. Next time consider hiring a security expert(instead of letting DLow to "secure" the servers) to secure your systems. When you host what you host, you are the target. Remember that.

Lulz i was thinking the same but didnt want to say it lol.
Lulz i was thinking the same but didnt want to say it lol.

You are not the only one, believe me :)

Who did it? To be honest, I couldn't care less but if you ask me it was DLow. I like how he mentioned me in the first port. Once again, attack is the best defence.
I fuckin hate the guy who did this and deleted all our data but what I hate even more is the fact that when they offer you 2 months free you guys seem to just brush off Servedome's fault. Didn't the company leave us in the dark for two days - even those who work with them don't know what's happening? They didn't even say what really went down because once their employees knew, they weren't allowed to talk about it. I mean seriously, can't we get some transparency here? More importantly, how do we know that this won't happen again in the future? I know this disaster could happen to any company, but come on - the more professional ones handled it better than this. Don't you guys see that?
I can confirm, Krun!x is the best server expert here on the net. I wonder why he knows so much, I think he doesn't sleep >_>


Anyway, you can trust Krun!x info's. ;)
If you're going to compare Virpus with SD, don't. Virpus is by far professional in every approach they take. Granted their low end VPS'es are not all that awesome and probably only good for testing small-time projects, but they really handled their situation very well with a mass email being sent out promptly.

You're also forgetting that more than half the people on WJ who are 'hosters' are in this for the quick buck. They try their best to save petty $$$ in every way they possibly can and in the process they compromise their clients' experience, data, and possibly privacy.
DLow, please give me a full refund. I ordered hosting from you on 13 Jan. Today is 23 Jan. In this time my site was working ONLY 36 hours. It's currently down as well. Instead of refunding me and getting my data back(I REALLY hope you haven't LOST my data) you post non-sense posts here.

Please note, I want a FULL refund. It's at least you can do considering my site was down for 10 days because of you. Let ServeDome sort their issues out and you start taking care of your business.
@ServeDome and Dlow
Lets forget what happened and look ahead.
Shit happens and believe the saying "Whatever happens , happens for good".

About Kruno, He was working with us and often does the security job for us.
It doesnt look nice, to accuse him without proofs.
Morever someone over the msn said Jordan hacked them, some said
Tippe from wrzhost and the latest newz, Dlow was behind this mishap,
Offcourse I didnt believe them without proper proofs.

If you can show us some proofs would be good.
Also, I heard that your datacenter compromised your servers ?
well in this case you should take a legal action against them.

ServeDome is a Reputed company, And they have done the best they could do.
So at the end, lets Forget what happened and look ahead for the best.

Best Wished :)
It's interesting how every company DLow gets involved with gets wiped out - CrypticVPS, WebDen, StableLayer and now ServeDome. Attack is the best defence eh?

What MSN logs? After I got the information I asked DLow is that true, he asked me where did I get it from and I answered an associate of mine had told me. He never confirmed or denied it which clearly proved it was true. After that I updated WJunction clients that waited more than 24 hours to get a reply from them. This is the thanks I get?

DLow, get your facts straight. You are not a Linux administrator or security expert. You can't handle hosting business, on all your hosting sites you ripped the templates of some well known hosting company and all of them were either sold, hacked or closed down. I find it very funny how you offer security services on your website while you can't even secure/protect your own companies. I already explained and proved how you take money for nothing(with .bash_history as a proof) but that thread got deleted from some reason. I will kindly forget your MSN threat and DDoS attack to one of my servers. I suggest you to stop talking shit because everyone on the scene knows you are a joke. Luckily, I will be nice and forget how you, as a representative of ServeDome DDoS'd one of my servers.

About ServeDome, with all due respect, it's completely their own fault. Next time consider hiring a security expert(instead of letting DLow to "secure" the servers) to secure your systems. When you host what you host, you are the target. Remember that.

Totally true.
I personally feel that all companies operate more or less in an acceptable manner when everything is working fine.
Companies are truly tested at times of crisis and this is where you see their true colors. They can either shine through this and become stronger, or fail miserably and alienate their entire clientbase.
I think the latter is what happened in this case.
Servedome has been an ok company up until now, because they didn't have any major issues.
Now that a very large issue arose, they chose to be completely ignorant of their clients and keep them in the dark until the issue is resolved, with the hope of buying time and preventing them from jumping ship.

I personally do not want to be hosted in a company that does not know how to react and behave when things go wrong.
Byebye Servedome.
YES, US VPS data also lost.

DLow, please awnser these questions:
When will those 2 free months start? I've paid up to 17/02/2011, I suppose they'll start then? Meaning I'll get till 17/04/2011 free?

EDIT: And what about the days that its been down (3 and counting)...?
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