Other 1st Time - Rapidleech Hosting By IWebHostU.COM

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very bad hosting.. i waiting more then 24 hours, because now is server down.. admin says, that everything fix in two hours, but nothing... DON'T BUY
Sorry... But you Are not at OUR RapidLeech Server! You are at our OFFSHORE Server. And we are so sorry... We hardware layering (DDOS Protection LAYER) ! We can't do anything.. Bcz what blockdos.net doing with our DC servers we don't know :(

So sorry!
Sorry if this is considered as a grave digging since I can't create a new thread (yet) .

I find that this provider is totally ermmm... if I may say, Incompetent.

I tried to asked them to install IonCube Loader 4.0.7 which they replied that they already installed a v5 of it (whut??)

I tried to convice them by telling them how to see the IonCube Loaders version by going into SSH and do php -v in which they replied with a very shocking answer :

LOOK! We already Update to Latest!
Caps Lock + Exclamation , nice customer service huh

And guess what, they also gave me their own version of screenshot stating that they already loaded the latest version by giving me a nice red bold picture of ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so with a caps : See, the IonCube 5.3 Is already here + and again : Exclamation.

I just sighed knowing my provider is completely incompetent in saying that 5.3 IS the IonCube Loaders version...... For Christ sake, it's the PHP version in which the IonCube loads not the IonCube Loaders Version and I remembered pretty well, they Installed PHP 5.2.x on my Public RL account.

And I asked for a refund in which they forced me to read their TOS :

Public RapidLeech Using for Uploading and Network Files Sharing
I Can't Leech Because I'm Illiterate Person (sic)
Any Plugins Not Working bcz (sic) I don't know how configure (sic)
Excessive Resource Usage Resulting in High CPU Load
My Friend Can't Use your service so I don't want's (sic) to continue
Multiple Rapidleech Script Installations
My Google Adsence (sic) Account Gone because I can't handle it so please refund me
Storing Downloaded Data (Whether it's warez or not) for more than 72 Hrs
So refund or not ? Let us wait. All that I can say is, stay away from them.

Some of the Screenshot :

The Conversation between me and them :

IonCube Loaders in their own mind:

And a client who tried to tell them on how to check the loaded IonCube loader version after I'm moving my account onto a VPS located somewhere else:
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It's more than obvious that they are incompetent, look at the name of their site. Not to mention that guy who advertised this company is banned permanently here.
Yeah, I was referred to them by a friend whom I trust. But lucky me, it seems like Google is the only one I can trust when it comes to looking for a provider.

They said they have 5 years of managing servers but I'm completely shocked when I read their reply about IonCube loader version and the way they checked it via ermmm... php.ini..... *facepalm*
The case is updated at WHT :


Current condition : I'm Being blackmailed, manipulated, lied to.

Please, all WJunction members, be very careful with them, don't ever trust your things with them.
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