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I'm pretty disappointed in ServeDome, I submitted a ticket more then 24hrs ago, and still no one has replied, first of all, let me explain the problem:

I had Ubuntu 10.04 installed on the VPS, and I choose to install CentOS with Kloxo. This worked, but I (personally) don't like kloxo so I decided to go back to Ubuntu Server 10.04. So I did what I normally did. But nothing happened, the image installed under the name "Ubuntu 10.04 - 32" didn't look like Ubuntu, it didn't have apt-get nor aptitude, which ships with Ubuntu, I even noticed that the image included yum! Yum is never shipped, and doesn't even work on Ubuntu! So I believe this is a mistake. So I tried all other Ubuntu images, but all had the same problem! Conclusion, there's NO real Ubuntu image in SolusVM ! So I simply submitted a ticket to technical support to ask them to check the images. but after 24hrs I still haven't received a reply! :(

Please technical support, check ticket #384262 !
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