Other 1Gbps Dedicated Port Semi-Unmetered - USA RDP - 8/12/16 GB Ram

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Dear NightMare

Have some questions.

1. - Please tell me what you mine for this "HF Premium download is working ."

That Mine that i can Upload/Download from Hotfile.com ?

2 - Can you install some program for me what i need for bussines on this rdp .

3 - can i get Demo Acces.

Thank You. ;)
Extended for another month, awesome service and Nightmare is a very friendly guy..
Here' my final review i guess
Downloading has been consistent through the weeks i have used the server. I like the fact that i get 30 mb/s with single file as well as multiple files
Uploading to RS using RUM is actually quite fast. Slow speed was due to rapidshares bad upload manager. Getting anywhere between 5 and 15 mb/s now.
Uploading to HF FS and FSC is still good.. Uploading 5 files gets anywhere from 10-20 mb/s.
Rar/unrar is quick. Just use store when raring. Note that unrar takes a while if the file is highly compressed, but since this isn't very often the case it's not a problem.
Desktop has very little lag, and has a good amount of apps on it.
I can confirm that the service is truly unmetered seeing as i have uploaded around 500 gb in the past 2 days.
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maybe your server is rocket but your space is suck and kept me from purchasing...

i still need rdp... please reply is you got good space package ... if same space then no need.
hello,can i have a test account on a 8GB server?
i am planning to dump my vps, my vps is fucking too slow when raring a 1GB file,it takes 3 minutes,what is worse,i close all download or upload or any programs to do rar ,using store,and it is still slow like shit. and it costs me 46 usd a month.
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