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Niceway to get some customer :zthir6:

updates for other customer...

we have hired third party data recovery experts and they have recovered everything we are only stuck with one account/one domain which is creating problem for us, we will give a last try to recover that domain name for next 1 hour more and i it wont done then we will simply put other site online and will leave that domain, as that domain is also responsible for all the downtime >> as it got a huge ddos

so its final in next 1 hour or so our sites will be back :confused:
i am really geeting pissed not because of downtime but because there no way to get any latest update they arent repsonding to tickets on their siteor email or im i have tried everything
i am really geeting pissed not because of downtime but because there no way to get any latest update they arent repsonding to tickets on their siteor email or im i have tried everything

I sent a ticket to their sales department and received this reply yesterday

we are under going upgrade process

your site will be back shortly

Best Regards
Rounak Jain
Prolime Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

I know it is a bind not having our respective sites up, but I am sure that they are doing their best.

To be fair with them, they will be getting loads of people asking what is happening, if they answered them, it would take longer for our sites to be back.

It is annoying, but we just have to give them time to get it sorted.
yeah.. i'm worried to about our site too.
i have respect to prolimehost, cause they are making very good hosting, and they make everything best as can they do.

but in this case, its not good... they said 2 time about 4-5 hour sites will back, and next time about 1 hour.. and nothing new.. ;/
thats really bad.
i hope today our site will be back to live, cause if not that will be very very bad signs..

I hold thumbs...
My site is now online, I had a database and home directory backup and they help me. They created the user on the cpanel and I upload the backups.

If anyone have the same thing tell something to them.

latest update: the site are coming back slowly mine is up and i have redirected it to my blog.thought the data of my site is missing i hope its safe as rounak(Co-Owner) said they wont install backup until that last site which was giving them trouble is also i think all sites with their data will be back in next 12 hours or so(may be i am wrong) :)
Thanks for the information, my site is still down, so hopefully it will be back up very shortly.


I am now getting my backup site running, thanks to the staff at Prolime, I have my main address back and am directing members to a temporary server.
nice.. i still waiting for my site..
maybe my site is that "bad" which is attacked by russian isp:D?

I thought it was mine that was the 'bad' one mate lol, I am sure that it won't be long until they contact you and you will be up and running again.

As I has said already, they are doing there best.
so they contact with you, or you contact with them?

and all backup they wil be update when all accout will be updated?
They contacted me through a pm on here, which was something I was a bit surprised at, and have opened a temporary account while they get all the data sorted.
nice.. i still waiting for my site..
maybe my site is that "bad" which is attacked by russian isp:D?

br0nks its not you site that faced the DDOs.the host told me the name of the site that faced the DDOs but i dont want to reveal it in public :) .so you should be getting your site back soon
Uhmm ok, im starting to get pissed... i've submitted like 6 tickets, they keep ignoring me or closing my tickets. My website & have been offline for almost a week now!
damn.. time is money man.

don't get me wrong i love prolimehost, but there's no need for ignoring..

anyone having the same prob? I've just send them another mail..
We are all in the same boat mate, none of us are online properly again as yet, fingers crossed it will be in the near future.

I have just sent an e-mail as well and if I get to know anything I will post it in here.
i talk today on their chat with the Rounak, and he told me, today (10.02.2009) all sites will be UP.
i want to belive it will be true..

cheers guyz.
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