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  1. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    There is no reason to continue this conversation, I'm not able to have a decent conversation with you and get some explanations.
  2. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    I don't have anything personal with you mate, but is very obvious that anafile and filedais are runned by the same owner. What is bothering me is that you don't say the truth even after I showed that you and anafile are sharing same Google account. Cheers
  3. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    You know that you was busted lying and people saw that too. I wish you best of luck and as a suggestion, don't lie from now. Is better to say the truth. Probably people were fine if you was saying that you are the owner/ex-owner of anafile too, but with these lies you prooved that you are just...
  4. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    Maybe I have even more knowledge than you about this. You just proove now that you are a big lier and you don't respect no one. You can't come here and lie us and after you are busted to say that we don't know what we are talking about. Anafile and FileDais are using same Google ads accounts...
  5. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    This sort of things are breaking the reputation of WJ too.
  6. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    Very good pointed! That's exactly what he is doing and that's exactly why he don't want to say that he's the owner of anafile. Usually I don't pay attention to things like this and I don't involve myself into discussions, but this guy really pissed me off when I saw what description he placed on...
  7. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    Are you joking? I'm very curious what explanation you will give, so please go ahead and explain it. You are the owner of anafile so please stop with these stupid lies. WE ARE NOT IDIOTS. Btw, the real explanation of this is that Google assigns a UNIQUE number to each account, so YOU and ANAFILE...
  8. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    Dude you and anafile are providing google ads from the SAME account! How can you explain this? Are you still saying that you are not the owner of anafile? Please show us at least a bit of respect and stop lie. Thank you
  9. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    I was saying that YOU consider us some bunch of idiots since you are trying to lie us that you are not anafile. Using the same script isn't same as using the same TECHNIQUE! Some examples: 1.Both you and anafile have Alexa certified: You: Screenshot by Lightshot Anafile: Screenshot by...
  10. C

    FileDais.Com | PPD 5$ / 1000 downloads - PPS 65% | Minimum 2$ & daily payment

    Nothing personal, but do you really think that we are idiots? :-& Look at you and anafile: EXACTLY same ads, EXACTLY same page arrangement, EXACTLY same payment methods, but you say that you are not anafile. Personally I'm bored of liers and of all this shit. You come here and make us upload...
  11. C

    AnaFile.Com - PPD/Referral & Full Free User Speed - (Minimum 2$ & Daily Payouts)

    Personally I hope so because I like anafile, but I doubt because you lied alot in the description of Flippa auction (Google accepts your file host - really dude?). However, this is not my business so good luck.
  12. C

    AnaFile.Com - PPD/Referral & Full Free User Speed - (Minimum 2$ & Daily Payouts)

    How can you guarantee for the new owner? I remember that queenshare did this too, they sold the website and they the new admin stopped pay. However it was a insult at our address the sell it and don't announce us (if I wasn't finding it on Flippa you didn't tell us anything about this).
  13. C

    AnaFile.Com - PPD/Referral & Full Free User Speed - (Minimum 2$ & Daily Payouts)

    Never trust this or any other file host opened by delegnet again! He sold anafile a few days ago and now he opened another file host (filedais), also is possible that he was the owner of nirafile too. Delegnet, you don't respect us at all! Why don't you announce us from the beginning what you...
  14. C

    AnaFile.Com - PPD/Referral & Full Free User Speed - (Minimum 2$ & Daily Payouts)

    Unfortunately another file host becoming scam .. the admin didn't replied here since more than a week ago and the website is for sale: I think they are nirafile, RIP anafile