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  1. Y

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    well as I said earlier this month I did change my payment method from Paypal to Payza on HF's website and still no payment. It's the 17th. this after they confirmed via email the April & May payment will come on the 15th on Payza. I did email them yesterday but as of right now, no response...
  2. Y

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    they've confirmed via email that Payza works. just changed to it in my account. (fyi, still says Alertpay though) we'll see on the 15th.
  3. Y

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    FYI, I just got the payment. (Paypal) not sure why it was delayed since they did not say but they did reply to my 4th email yesterday telling me the payment was coming soon.
  4. Y

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    so anyone any news from HF? it's the 19th and 4 emails later no response and no payment (Paypal) Did anyone get paid via other payment processors? This is not looking good...
  5. Y

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    no payment yet either. it's been about 48 hrs since they were supposed to send it. I also sent 2 emails already about it and no response do you guys know if this has been talked about anywhere else on other forums/sites? seems weird, they always pay on time..
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    Is this the end of the business? HotFile lost PayPal

    so anyone hear anything from HF yet? they are now about 48 hours late with the payment and I emailed them twice with no reply..
  7. Y

    Is this the end of the business? HotFile lost PayPal

    HF is still the most reliable host. Fast speeds and unlimited space. Stop being so thick trowing stupid comments around.
  8. Y

    Is this the end of the business? HotFile lost PayPal

    which forum is that? I haven't received payment yet either. I've emailed them twice but nothing (they have responded to me in the past)