Search results

  1. L 2XE5620/X3440/E3-1230, 16 GB/32GB DDR3, 1Gbps-from $8 (NL/EU)

    Yep NL server is down for few hours now...
  2. L Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    Hey, I'm interested in 100GB RDP. Can I get demo for france RDP please? Thanks
  3. L Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    Hi, can i get a demo please (France)? Would like to check down-/upspeed and rar How many users per HDD are there? Thanks
  4. L 2XE5620/X3440/E3-1230, 16 GB/32GB DDR3, 1Gbps-from $8 (NL/EU)

    For about one week, I get very slow rar speeds (rar and unrar)... 5.4GB file:
  5. L

    Other uploader4you - RDP,100GB HDD,Xeon W3520,24GB RAM,1GBps,$13/month (FR)

    i am interested in your RDP, is demo available?
  6. L 2XE5620/X3440/E3-1230, 16 GB/32GB DDR3, 1Gbps-from $8 (NL/EU)

    I checked the demo and I'm absolutly satisfied, down- and uploadspeed was perfect and rar speed was good. Keep up the good work ;)
  7. L 2XE5620/X3440/E3-1230, 16 GB/32GB DDR3, 1Gbps-from $8 (NL/EU)

    When will the 30GB package for 12$ be available again? I'm interested in a demo pls :)
  8. L

    Other - Intel X3440, 16GB RAM, 100GB-300GB HDD, 1Gbps RDP from $14.99 (NL)

    I am interested in 100GB NL, can I have demo?
  9. L

    Torrent download speeds?

    I am uploader for 6 months now and I'm also new to torrents and such stuff, but I heard of some private trackers and it sounds good, fast pre and lots of stuff. I use VPS with sBorg script for uploading to filehosts, does anyone know if it's possible to maintain a good "ratio" using sBorg as a...
  10. L - looking for german warez boards

    Big Warez board with adult section:
  11. L

    How to earn money while uploading games, movies, music, and xxx. Tips and tricks

    Great tutorial dude, hope it will help me increasing the quality of my uploads and posts :)
  12. L

    How to be successful in uploading

    Thanks for the tips, I'm still getting low payouts after few months of uploading but I will continue trying my best...