Torrent download speeds?

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New Member
Ive never tried Torrent in my life

but i think its time to move on

Could anyone tell me how fast Torrent download speeds are and pros and cons?

I need 500kb at least, otherwise its useless
Torrent speeds vary. Say a torrent has 10 seeds, that means you'll be downloading the torrent from 10 people. If they haven't limited their upstream traffic then chances are you'll max your connection out. I torrent constantly, and I get 5.8mb/s on my home connection and anywhere up to 25mb/s on my seedboxes.

Word of warning, keep away from public torrent trackers. I'd suggest you read up on private trackers, seedboxes, VPN's and torrent clients. If you need help or advice feel free to send me a PM.
you can get your maximum speed from a privet tracker like IPT or SCC....
Also it depends on the seeds also.. The more number of seeds, the better speed...

But in private trackers, people use seedboxes or RDP to upload... so even if only one seed is there, you can good speed..

You can get latest release contents from torrents (Even before they are released in filehosts)

You have to maintain ratio in torrent sites.
Ratio means how much you download that much should be uploaded.. The more you upload, the ratio becomes high.
One way of maintaining ratio is seeding the torrent back and get Bonus points and convert Bonus points to upload credits..
Another way is by using a seedbox for uploading back to maintain ratio...

Hope this clarifies the doubts abt torrents... :)

thanks a lot!!!

5.8mb/s!!!! OK this is more than i expected,,,
im a layman with torrents
If RS dies, Ill move ASAP

but is there possibility that we get caught?

i wanna ask this because ive heard IP address are blacklisted by their government if we use torrents in Australia
Never say never. But having said that, I'm a dodgy bastard, most of the things I do online are dodgy, and I've never been caught or even come close. The best way you can safeguard yourself is buy investing in a VPN from a reputable company like BTGuard (It's a hell-a-cheap monthly charge, and they physically can't store any connection details, so even when faced with a court order to divulge information, they have none to give). Keep in mind this just encrypts your traffic, it doesn't stop your ISP from seeing how much you're downloading, it just stops them from seeing what you're downloading, so if your ISP is pissy when it comes to bandwidth usage, I'd suggest getting a seedbox ontop (again, quite cheap depending on which provider you go with).
seedboxes can be used for torrenting...

You download torrents in seedbox and seedbox uploads back...
You can also download the completed files from seedbox to your computer...
So there is no worry of blacklisting..... :)
I am uploader for 6 months now and I'm also new to torrents and such stuff, but I heard of some private trackers and it sounds good, fast pre and lots of stuff.
I use VPS with sBorg script for uploading to filehosts, does anyone know if it's possible to maintain a good "ratio" using sBorg as a seedbox (don't know what this is exactly), or can anyone explain me how to do that? I want to download the files, upload them to some filehosts and post to german boards.

How can get an invite for a (german) tracker?
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me too, like to know whole Detail like a good TUT

Downloading from Private Trackers......them seeding there to maintain ratio........with some super fast home connection cant do this optimally (heard about RDP,VPS,sborg like things but dont know what-is- for what,how to use them).....then rar files.....or split files in 100 mb like or other file host compatibles sizes 200,400mb.....rename them , tag them etc...them upload them to fileshost .
What services to use-how to use them.
Please guide with some Detailed Tut or give references.
Actually there is no answer to your question as people indicated.

It depends on:

- Tracker
- # of Seeders
- Your connection (RDP, sBorg or home connection)
- Your ISP (Where I live torrents are throttled)
- Time of day

I myself are on a RDP from AwesomeRDP. One moment I get 80+MBs, then like 3-10MBs.
Actually there is no answer to your question as people indicated.

It depends on:

- Tracker
- # of Seeders
- Your connection (RDP, sBorg or home connection)
- Your ISP (Where I live torrents are throttled)
- Time of day

I myself are on a RDP from AwesomeRDP. One moment I get 80+MBs, then like 3-10MBs.

OK,sir let me expand a lil more in parts:
Lets say i have 512 kbps mtnl connection at home in india
[win 7,utorrent,320HD,2GB RAM.


Tracker - SDBits ( Best Speed - Hard to maintain Ratio - Invite Only )

Seeds - Say 10 with Seedbox for my torrent

Your Connection - YOU Tell(?????? You say what ....RDP - sBorg etc. what to choose,how to use.....I Need good Speed ....even 2MBps is ok)

Your ISP - India Mtnl.....No Problem i think

Time of Day - Doesnt matter any time.

NOW, can u help me How to DO ALLLLLL???

1.Got invite......and registered....m inside SDBits.Started downloading torrents (seeded by 10 good seeders with seedbox)

2.Now what i want is.......Grab 10 torrents from SDBits of which 3 of 700MB ...1 of 1.5 GB...1 of 8GB size......and simultaneously have to SEED to Compensate my Ratio.

3.Then want to edit them (.iso editing,mp3tagging,video encoding in various formats,renaming etc.)

4.Now,want to split videos in 400mb .001 like in 100mb rars,
8gb .iso in 2 4gb .iso files.

5.These should be Uploaded to my own File Host accounts.

6.Sometimes i even want to do all above by taking files from some other filehosts in some editing....and want to upload them to my own required sizes.


I dont want this fully automatic ........i will do steps manually but DL-UL speed is IMPORTANT.

NOW Q ??? :

Which Service to USE for Which Operation AT which STEP.

I am on a NL RDP from AwesomeRDP, it has some very good speeds.

Although if you have a 512kbps, I won't even recommend you a RDP because it will most likely lag.

If you want to edit or re-encode the files, you need at least a RDP or Windows VPS. To be honest with your poor home connection speed this might even not possible.

You could take sBorg, but you won't be able to re-encode, but you can split files and upload to filehosts.
I am on a NL RDP from AwesomeRDP, it has some very good speeds.

Although if you have a 512kbps, I won't even recommend you a RDP because it will most likely lag.

If you want to edit or re-encode the files, you need at least a RDP or Windows VPS. To be honest with your poor home connection speed this might even not possible.

You could take sBorg, but you won't be able to re-encode, but you can split files and upload to filehosts.

Got some Doubts:

1.What about torrent thing.......getting&uploading maintain a ratio.....will a RDP can do this thing???.......if nt then what!!!........a SeedBox.......then how to connect it with RDP....for other things

2.What is Windows VPS OR do they work......How to SetUP them...compatibility issues.....what are optimal requirements.WHich are Best.......and from where and for how much ...i can get 1 Best.

3.Will 1Mbps be a decent speed for RDP to workwith.

{Can Some1 Write a full Detailed Tutorial/Article clarifying each and every step.......will help all noobs.Till then ......
Please ANS Step-by-Step
....(may be i can write......someday)..
Help with tutorials regarding these things......some link...some videos!!!}
1)The RDP is just like your Windows computer at home. You can download torrents (deluge, utorrent), unrar them and upload. And of course encoding (if the RDP provider allows that).

Basically what you download from trackers (IPT, SCC) you have to upload to maintain your ratio. Alternatively you donate to a tracker site and don't have to maintain a ratio (Freeleech donation).

2) You order a RDP and it's already configured with popular Windows applications (if you want other apps, just ask the provider). You connect to your RDP with your Windows OS (Remote Desktop Connection).

3) 1MBs will in most cases be alright.

4) Basically to download and process a torrent, the following procedure is followed:

- Open the tracker site in your RDP browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE)
- Goto the torrent you want to download
- Click on the download link and the torrent client will take over
- Then open the folder with the resulting files and unrar them
- Upload to your filehosts with either FTP or Zoom uploader.

does anyone know if it's possible to maintain a good "ratio" using sBorg as a seedbox

sBorg was never meant to be used as a 'seedbox'. Most providers will allow only 1:1 ratio. Some providers like sBorghost will allow higher ratios, but these come at a price.

It's best to maintain your ratio with seeding freeleech (archive) files on the tracker site. These are meant for ratio maintenance and because many people use them they usually download fast and seed well.
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