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  1. M - Earn up to 8.00$/1000 views - PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Skrill, BTC

    As always,payment same day. Most of the time payment is within hour or so after request. :)
  2. M|$50/10k views|Payment does not consist of amount of viewed minutes

    :facepalm: I just showed you jump in traffic on my site and you say "perhaps there was a drop in traffic..."
  3. M|$50/10k views|Payment does not consist of amount of viewed minutes

    Is this a joke?!? Never before your stats showed so little traffic and that has nothing to do with when was last time I added video because I don't add new videos on daily basis but traffic still comes to my sites. Fresh traffic who hasn't seen clips. So basically,according to your logic,this...
  4. M|$50/10k views|Payment does not consist of amount of viewed minutes

    What happened to stats?!? My traffic actually went up last couple of day but veiws droped drasticly!
  5. M

    Need hosting for torrent tracker

    Just checked it and it seems that kloxo have phpmyadmin and that's what I need. PM me some kind of deal and I'll get it right away :)
  6. M - Earn up to 8.00$/1000 views - PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Skrill, BTC

    Keep 'em coming! :) So far imgcandy is longest paying host to me along with feniks and his hosts. Good guys :)
  7. M

    Need hosting for torrent tracker

    I can but I need some kind of control panel for easy access to mysql for making and editing them. Does your power panel have that feature?
  8. M and our other services - Earn up to $8/1000

    Got mi monizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :)
  9. M

    Need hosting for torrent tracker

    Well,everyone feel free to send me an offer for vps which inclueds installing xbtit on it. I would like to start with like 30$ per month and as traffic grows take stronger package. Feel free to send me po. Thanks.
  10. M

    Need hosting for torrent tracker

    Well,I want to have my own tracker by just for my own very niche specific torrents and it would be like 1-2 torrents daily. What kind of hosting would I need? I guess those trackers need some power and bandwith?