Need hosting for torrent tracker

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Well,I want to have my own tracker by just for my own very niche specific torrents and it would be like 1-2 torrents daily.
What kind of hosting would I need? I guess those trackers need some power and bandwith?
You will need a High End VPS for now.
I would like to introduce you to our High End VPS for such purposes.


HDD :300 GB
RAM : 5 GB
SWAP : 10 GB
Uplink : 2x1 Gbit
Monthly Bandwidth : 40 TB Premium
Price : 50 USD
20% SPECIAL DISCOUNT on for first payment. Use coupon code SUPER20

HDD :400 GB
RAM : 6 GB
SWAP : 12 GB
Uplink : 2x1 Gbit
Monthly Bandwidth : 100 TB Premium
Price : 60 USD
20% SPECIAL DISCOUNT on for first payment. Use coupon code SUPER20

You can Upgrade to Dedicated Server later , if required depending upon traffic.

Well,I want to have my own tracker by just for my own very niche specific torrents and it would be like 1-2 torrents daily.
What kind of hosting would I need? I guess those trackers need some power and bandwith?
You can start with a 2 GB ram vps with good peering for now and upgrade it once needed. Netherlands and Switzerland are better choice as location.
NL is a good location for torrent tracker. You will not need that much of traffic too.
Just make sure that host is DMCA friendly in case you get any problems.

We have some clients with private torrent trackers on our services, if you need more information please pm me.

Kind Regards
Well,everyone feel free to send me an offer for vps which inclueds installing xbtit on it. I would like to start with like 30$ per month and as traffic grows take stronger package. Feel free to send me po. Thanks.
Depends what you gonna share there. We can host you for as low as from 10$/mo for start in UK, but any abuses should be reviewed.
Upgrades are available.
VDS KVM on SSD Drives.
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Well,everyone feel free to send me an offer for vps which inclueds installing xbtit on it. I would like to start with like 30$ per month and as traffic grows take stronger package. Feel free to send me po. Thanks.

If you can install your scripts, we can provide a very good offer from our DMCA free nodes.
Well,everyone feel free to send me an offer for vps which inclueds installing xbtit on it. I would like to start with like 30$ per month and as traffic grows take stronger package. Feel free to send me po. Thanks.

If you can install your scripts, we can provide a very good offer from our DMCA free nodes.

I can but I need some kind of control panel for easy access to mysql for making and editing them.
Does your power panel have that feature?
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