|$50/10k views|Payment does not consist of amount of viewed minutes

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The problem is: Sometimes if i dont reupload 10 times a file, it doesn't works.

Ok. Than work in weekends too. Its much easier for me, if i get some help when i need.

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now it's completly stop!

the last time you add a file on February 13. not surprising that you have decreased traffic. To traffic increased need to constantly add new videos

Is this a joke?!? Never before your stats showed so little traffic and that has nothing to do with when was last time I added video because I don't add new videos on daily basis but traffic still comes to my sites. Fresh traffic who hasn't seen clips.

So basically,according to your logic,this jump in traffic last week or so resulted in almost none views of clips! You can't be serious!

Anway,right now,this moment,I'll replace your clips with other hoster and than we'll see does that traffic wants to see those clips.
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How to Remote Upload? remote upload only from youtube and vk

Added after 2 Hours 40 minutes:

tatorecords, I can not send you a private message. Your PM Box crowded. We know about issue with description. We'll fix it soon. We try to solve all problems quickly, without ignoring them
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