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  1. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Payment received I pm my username
  2. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Payment request PM you my id.:kissing_smiling_eyes: Edit
  3. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Good day sir bader, can you check my PM?
  4. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Nope, sorry i knoe this is dumb but i dont know what RDP is :laughing:
  5. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Up for this, me too want to get emails from gou. Im not too active reading all post here because even now im stil reuploading.. I have a sh*t laptop haha
  6. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    @GO Unlimited hello sir bader, can you check my PM? Thanks!
  7. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Thanks a lot.. BTW.. last time my videos are with red dot and now becomes yellow? should i still delete them?
  8. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Hello sir bader, is the x2 rates is manually or auto?
  9. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    So far, using the url upload i dont have any issues at all. All my newly reupload videos is playing and the streaming is extremely fast. Just sharing...
  10. topmovies123 Discussion

    Can you add remote upload?
  11. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    You know what? Im really sad right now, almost all my videos is red and im having a hardtime uploading new videos and reuploading old ones because my laptop died(RIP) and im using only my phone. But after all of this sh*t happens, i will still use your service. Im quite satisfied with your fast...
  12. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Edit: I dont want to reupload my files again because its time consuming, will it fixed?
  13. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Boss may backup ka sa mga videos mo? Ako kasi wala so sad haha
  14. topmovies123 Discussion

    is porn allowed here?
  15. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    The URL upload is working 100% fine. The newly reupload videos is working. But i am helpless and tired. It took me forever to reupload all my thousand video using only my PHONE. Now my stressed is killing me.
  16. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Oh God, what am i gonna do? My laptop is broken and i cant get it fixed because of this fcking Lockdown on our country! How i will reupload those dead videos? Using the phone is very hard. IM DOOM!
  17. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Sir nasser, is this affected videos will be fix in the upcoming days? I dont know how many days this Community Quarantine in our country will end. I dont have a laptop right now and there's no way it get fixed because of this Virus thing. 3 days since i started using my phone to upload videos...
  18. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    OMG, is there a possibility that the affected videos will be fixed in the upcoming days? I cant realy upload well using my phone. My laptop is broken and there's no way i get it fixed because of this Community Lockdown on our country. :sweat::sweat::sweat:
  19. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    I hope it will fix soon, thanks for info sir nasser.
  20. topmovies123 | BANNED FROM WJ

    Same here, i got a bunch of videos showing taht error. Yesterday they seems working.