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  1. N

    my new site

    hi all you no how most of you have a katz link on your forum how do you get it and do you have to pay all so is there anyone that can make me a good banner and where to get a script or something to make the menus on the side
  2. N

    my new site

    what do you mean manage my forum names and descripiton? they what they say they are and what do you mean about the order? they are set out ok the only one that is out of place is the kids movies i think so any way
  3. N

    my new site

    okso i sorted out one of my logos am going to be doing the others over the weekend so what do you think of my logo now
  4. N

    is this right

    thanks will have a go later on
  5. N

    is this right

    hi all i got my forum up and going and whated to change me banner but in some it says logo and others it says header am right in thinking that belong i change the name to what it was e.g header/logo i can upload my own or do i have to do somthing else first any help would do
  6. N

    looking for staff

    that is one of my site yes but it is my new one i thoght i put a link up here it is not got a lot on it at the min like i said in the post only finshed late last night
  7. N

    looking for staff

    hi all looking for 2 mods and a few uploader/posters to help me out on my site it not got much on it at the min as i only fully got it workin at about 9o'clock yesterday so any help would be gratefull
  8. N

    my new site

    hi all thoght i wound post my new site it is only 2 day's old and most of the first day was getting everything working on it but hopfully got it all sorted now i no it need a banner and am in the middle of making it so i no that that is wrong on it but apart from that i think it is a good...
  9. N

    can any one help me

    still not workin m8 i have disabled the moderation aprovel bit and is still not coming up
  10. N

    can any one help me

    thanks have got it working now but need help with my post not showing now and you will see what i mean
  11. N

    can any one help me

    in the cofig file which is the right one to change config['Database']['thisone'] = 'thisone'; and thanks for looking
  12. N

    what host allows

    hi imack have you used before as i was looking at theres the other day but thoght it mite be overselling at them prices and just want t ask if you have are they good also thanks priviet02 they look good as well
  13. N

    what host allows

    the sites not coming up m8 anybody else no of any i am after a resellers account and am planing on signing up today to one if anyone no of a good plz let me no
  14. N

    what host allows

    anybody help me out plz or a good host that allow warez and adult will do for now as am looking to sign up soon
  15. N

    hosting at

    have you moved already as there is nothing coming up for the site
  16. N

    what host allows

    hi all what hosting company will allow warez/newsgroup and adult stuff on there hosting the adult one is just pics legal stuff and the newsgroup is just staring up so will be after a decent resellers package for now till my newsgroups fully running any ideas who will allow all 3 as most allow...
  17. N

    NEW SERVER SPECIAL $4.99 Unmetered Bandwidth and Space

    just had a chat to suport and they seem to be good this is what igot as my answers Tim: Welcome to , How May I Assist You Today neil: i was looking in to your ruby plan on the resellers and wanted to no before i join do you aloow warez neil: allow Tim: We allow warez linking, neil...
  18. N

    as anyone

    ok will give them a try but before i do are they as good as Wrzhost as have seen some good review on them or would you say that underhost is just as good
  19. N

    as anyone

    as anyone used used theys as they look good for what i want but want to no before i join if they are any good
  20. N

    need help with where to add

    thanks have done it now