my new site

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Active Member
hi all thoght i wound post my new site it is only 2 day's old and most of the first day was getting everything working on it but hopfully got it all sorted now i no it need a banner and am in the middle of making it so i no that that is wrong on it but apart from that i think it is a good looking site and wanted your views on it as last time you told me about my last one and i did try my best but this is fully upgradable as i have my own domain and hosting package thanks to you all that help me pick my hosting anyway tell me what you think of my new site
what do you mean manage my forum names and descripiton? they what they say they are and what do you mean about the order? they are set out ok the only one that is out of place is the kids movies i think so any way
hi all you no how most of you have a katz link on your forum how do you get it and do you have to pay all so is there anyone that can make me a good banner and where to get a script or something to make the menus on the side
In your Admin CP, you can edit your template.
Look for footer template, copy and paste the code from katz to your footer template.
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