- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

how old is your site? I don`t believe new site`s can generate good traffic like old one which was open before 4-5 years ago...

of course more like 5 years, next one couple months......, next one couple weeks, (even second one generate money after 6 months )

you right new sites cant generate big traffic, but some guys crying here more like 2-3 years. they start crying when netload dead, when hotfile dead, they crying on topic, ..... you can find here many and many of this guys, they stay in the same place last 5 years....... some of them start crying here when Napoleon die ))))

and im sure, if you open website, with right SEO ( not 5 usd links on linkfarm sites - thats no SEO, but antiseo)) - im never buy any links, maybe now, but traffic with 15-20 000 UIP daily you can make without any expensive links, you can earn after couple months, and you can earn more like on forums ))) i have more like one site, and time to time im open new, this not cost too much money, fi you have good sevrer, you can open 15 sites, and after 6 months you can see wich site go up, and wich site you can close and delete cause they for some reason not generate any traffic.

You can use forums for traffic, almost big uploaders uploat to forums only cause they put ads into rar files, etc etc.... and if you make website with nice traffic, you need more waste time with forums..... Its many and many ways, how to make normal traffic to you site, you just need thinking, just simple things, nothing like say all this SEO specialists ))) (SEO is simple thing)

so if you today open site, when end of this year comming, you can generate money, and no mater what filehost, if you have traffic, you can generate with any filehost, and when one filehost die, you not need to wait, if admin from forums aprove or ban next filehost.

and if you earn some usd with forums, you can use small part of this money and open website, maybe pay for some traffic from start, etc etc, of course you cant do nothing without money, but thats normal thing.....and maybe you will be succesfull or not, but if you not try, you will not know......and is 100% better way try do something, like only complain, waiting for lucky day or asking for invitation (wtf forum with invitation? i thing this things die with rapidshare ))) - im even no visit forums, when they donks give or not give invitation for uploaders.....thats no forum anymore, only moderators and admin need feel power between legs

you can make you own website and everything is only about you, you traffic you earnings, everything.
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Most of people complaning here and crying are probably bed uplouders. I know from forums xxx 2 persons crying here like that k2s shaving, but they are simply spamers, uplouding everythink everywhere what they find. In this bizness is like a normal live, if you will be not have good idea on life you will be nothink. Times when everyone earn big money is over. Now in this bisness survive only this person who really want live.
Is normal 80% of us have low sales for 2-3 months Why? very simple every day only on this forum i saw uploaders who want invitations in forumophilia cause they banned you and you give them invitations ;), on pbb when they banned spammers they make another 5 accounts to spam again, in suzy too . you want this so stop crying ;) and don't give invitations at all idiots , ok who is uplaoder not need to spam cause know have a good content ;)

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