Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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Well basically it's pretty clever for downloaders. if you purchase an account for month and receive extend for year it maybe will attract more users who knows...anyway I have nothing to complain about my sales / rebils increased not decreased since last month for now :handshake:

But this happen just yesterday, i had yesterday 4 rebills, so you will notice only in next period what this means for your account if this stays this way

Added after 2 minutes:

nonsense...Why not be selling.? 2500+ refferals and no sales and no rebills...

Yes this is what we talk about, every your premium referal has now 1 year premium, so no point for them to buy anything for next 1 year.. You can only hope to earn from NEW premiums..

That is if there will be payouts.
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A hacking attempt is alot more believable than they just deciding to reward everyone with 1year account extending. most probably its hacking . these hosts take offline backup from their DB everyday, so it shouldn be an issue to revert back to previous day DB unless they are trying to fortify their security and then restor the DB.

this problem can easily be fixed by restoring a day older DB back up !
Tell you guys Ryushare now has problem in it's country. All support or discussion about Ryushare topic have been removed. And they now disappeared.
Tell you guys Ryushare now has problem in it's country. All support or discussion about Ryushare topic have been removed. And they now disappeared.

I can hardly believe that, they are from Vietnam and have representatives in Russia. All support and official discusion has been gone from long time ago, that is nothing new. Last time i had responce from ther ticket was way year ago.

Added after 3 minutes:

+1 rebil for me today, i must celebrate lol
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Tell you guys Ryushare now has problem in it's country. All support or discussion about Ryushare topic have been removed. And they now disappeared.

I can hardly believe that, they are from Vietnam and have representatives in Russia. All support and official discusion has been gone from long time ago, that is nothing new. Last time i had responce from ther ticket was way year ago.

No, the thing is, they have a thread for discussion (almost, just sometime admin post news). But since 2 days ago, it's gone without any trace. Ryushare also has not been there since first of Month. All topics were created to dicussion about ryushare have been deleted totally. (MOD said that he did not do anything)
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the fact that there's a rebill, so there are users out there who renew their premium subscription (it means they don't have any 1 year premium extension). i presume that this 1 year premium extension are for uploaders only. i hope so.

anyway, for all the affiliates if you guys expect payout anytime, please post it here once you received it. that would be a good sign if they still mean business or what. i hope ryukenshine will give his little time to say something here.
the reason why is there's no rebill because they have bug in database all account were adjust to + 1 year.

btw I got 1 rebill today. hope it will continue again.
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