Stats are disastrously low for me!
Only $0.14 so far... I am leaving Wupload. Sorry, Willy, but when I upload in more than 100 forums and more than 6-7 files EVERY single day, it's kind of mockingly to have such stats.
Before I used Turbobit ($ 20/1000 dls) with no more than 30 forums and I made about ~ $ 1 - $ 1.20...
When I started using Wupload I made 4-5$/day - same content, same number of files and only 40 forums...
And now - same content, same number of files and about 110 forums AND I CAN'T MAKE $1???
So WTF am I doing here...
Sorry Willy. Wish you all the best.
With all due respect,
Best Regards,
Remote upload from WU to working?
I tested many file hosts and most of all I earned money from wupload, but I believe that more can be earned with a file host that has rebills if they were here I would not have thought to use a host file to my site.
I'm signed up 5 days and i'm active. So can i have premium? Thanks a lot<3
My ID: 545046
So Remote Upload function is just an extra feature and you must be grateful for that extra . Every Filehost management have unique strategy on how to beat the competition (sometimes with extremities).A file hosting service, online file storage provider, or cyberlocker is an Internet hosting service specifically designed to host user files. Typically they allow HTTP and FTP access. Related services are content-displaying hosting services (i.e. video, image, audio/music), virtual storage .