ZStream.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to 40$/10k | Double Rate Days

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Hi !
I have an issue, again :)
the 29 april I requested $139 that you paid me the 7 may.
But you did not mark the paiement as "paid", it's still "pending" and now the 14 may, I can't request the money for the 15 may payement.
Can you correct this please?

EDIT: BIG SHIT happens, on my phone the request money button was not disabled, I don't know why so I clicked on it, and it said "already pending .." and my money DISAPPEAR O.O can you help me?

User: BenjiBurn

EDIT 2 : Problem fixed. Thanks to the admin, so reactive, that's why I love zstream !
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[TABLE="class: tbl1"]

wait!!!! :D

[TABLE="width: 1002"]
[TD="width: 4%, align: right"][/TD]
[TD]"Payouts are processed on the 15th & 30th of each month."
It's only 16 may, be patient :)
Your pending payout: $***.91

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D9D9D9"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #D9D9D9"]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]2016-04-30[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$***.91[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]PENDING[/TD]

Username: XXXyinXXX
Thanks for the payment.
It was a little bit late in the day in my country so I requested the next payment today, 31 may. Is it going to be paid or I will have to wait until the 15 June ?
[TABLE="class: tbl1"]

Almost a week, can you proceed please ? :)

User : BenjiBurn

EDIT : received ! thanks :D
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