ZeroSec Sold | The Site is Dead

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ZeroSec Sold to New Owners, Site Falling Apart

ReeGed, the founding member of and one the original 7 that defected from nearly 18 months ago, announced a few days ago that ZeroSec has been sold to an unnamed buyer. More likely than not, this was the last nail in the coffin for a release blog that’s already been struggling lately to keep up with the scene. In addition to ReeGed, two other key ZS admins have also stepped down - and in fact all three admins have now been locked out of the site. It all goes downhill after that (no fault to ReeGed & Co), as new popup ads will surely repulse even the most devout readers. Somewhere nearby, Martin is silently smirking.

ZeroSec - The Announcement:
Regarding Recent Changes - By ReeGed:

As there has been a lot of concern recently about the ownership of ZeroSec and some of the malicious ads that have been put up on the frontpage, I hope to bring some more understanding as to how and why this has happened in this post.

First of all let me confirm that Pandaking, Untamed and I have intended to step down as admins of ZeroSec for quite some time now. A mixture of lack of time, lack of ambition for the project and excitement for other web based plans caused us to attempt to find someone interested in taking this project over.

We knew that finding someone with the same ideals for ZeroSec as us would be nearly impossible, but we saw interest in many directions. For quite some time now we’ve had plans for other projects and the only way to fully engage those plans would be to either completely end ZeroSec as a site, or pass it on to a new owner. We felt that the most reasonable solution for both our visitors and ourselves would be the latter.

Unfortunately as control of the site was passed on to the new adminship, some of the key points we asked for (such as a goodbye post) were forgotten. Our accounts have been removed and we’re currently unable to do anything about it without the approval of the new owner, which we will get in due time.

Either way, the intention of leaving the site in new hands was always to enable the rise of a new site, Project X. This is an as of yet unnamed site which we hope to develop if everything goes as planned, but will require some startup capital.

Regarding the mobile pop-up ads, we have been promised that they will be removed shortly. Also, you can expect a goodbye post from Pandaking, Untamed and myself in the coming couple of days.

Source: ZeroSec Forums - 2010-01-19 @ 18:21

Current editors were not informed beforehand of such an impending sale by ReeGed. It’s also unclear as to how much the site was sold for, but apparently ReeGed stated in a ZS sales pitch on a "private auction" (in which the site was reportedly sold on) that the site was taking in $800 a month from ads - which is very plausible considering their traffic. Anyone who knows anything about the inner workings on how to buy/sell a website can agree that generally the value of a site is normally calculated by the past 12-months revenue, which in this case would be ~$10,000. An offer much lower than this would clearly be rejected by any smart seller.

Lack of Editors…

As it stands now, ZeroSec has just six high-level editors on the site. And with ReeGed, pandaking and Untamed already having their WordPress accounts disabled it’s doubtful they’ll have the drive left to carry out what they planned: helping the new owners get to their feet, even implementing the "beta" site that was planned with a heap of new user-end features.

There’s still no word on whether or not current editors will stay on with ZS in the long haul; although most have stayed aboard while waiting to speak with the new owners in regards to the direction of the site. From what we gather, existing staff/editors have not yet been contacted by the new owners, who have chosen to remain silent at this time.

Personal Opinion
ZS is dying not because they have sold the site its because the lack of editors thats why reeged sold the whole shit .... why lack of editors? you cant post your own links beng an editor you just provide releases "info" that why oneddl and rslog are getting good traffic and more editors also ZS since a few months ago had a lot of fake linksNote: Scorff is making 90% of the posts now.. LAST MAN STANDING

If you need a good release blog you can check out
@play_avi - every one of your posts on wj is a fail.

@topic - zerosec was obviously not doing very well, their updates wire extremely late compared to their competitors and all I can say is good luck to the new owners. Hopefully they will start to pick up soon :)
Right now: RSLOG FTW
if zerosec gets new editors that can post their own links they will win
better design + more info etc
What's up with RSLog at the moment? It was down the last two days and now their's a link on the site saying it's for sale? It's in Chinese but it's for sale if you translate it.

also if anyone can add to the list of scene release sites on the first page let me know. I don't want to know your warez sites, I want sites similar to the ones mentioned.

There’s still no word on whether or not current editors will stay on with ZS in the long haul; although most have stayed aboard while waiting to speak with the new owners in regards to the direction of the site. From what we gather, existing staff/editors have not yet been contacted by the new owners, who have chosen to remain silent at this time.

Personal Opinion
ZS is dying not because they have sold the site its because the lack of editors thats why reeged sold the whole shit .... why lack of editors? you cant post your own links beng an editor you just provide releases "info" that why oneddl and rslog are getting good traffic and more editors also ZS since a few months ago had a lot of fake links

I'm a little better informed on this subject than I think most of the non-staff here. Your article is composed of two things: information directly supplied through the comments/forums on zerosec by staff and conjecture on opinion and your own informal observations. You didn't even stop by IRC, where the individuals you speculate on are surely available.

Let me tell you that your last paragraph (Personal Opinion) is almost entirely wrong in one way or another. Sc0rff remains answering questions, but he is hardly a staff member of zerosec. I don't see new releases going up. Indeed, he has proceeded forward with watwefink on his own. Your whole understanding of how the site works is really flawed and low tech. Editors are no where near as central as you think to the equation. Editors is a low tech solution. ZS and sites like it made use of bots/spiders/programs to write most of the article and do most of the work. That's about as much as I am willing to say on the subject, because the secrets I know are not my secrets to give out. When it is released, you will know it. I'm just posting this here now to let you know you are very, very wrong.
Not such a loss, there are many similar sites with content at a higher standard.

ZSec never stood a chance of being number 1 and never will.
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