Youtube, explain?

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Ok, I'm on my break, decided to take laptop outside and enjoy a cigarette, scenery and some YouTube videos.

I was bored, so I decided to watch some music videos, guitar solos and whatever other music I can find. I notice in the suggestions column a video called "Best Ever", keep in mind that was in suggestions while I was watching a guitar solo video, anyway, has 125+ million views, so I was like "damn, that must be one awesome video".

Can someone, please, for the love of god, explain to me why this video has so many views?

I refuse to accept the obvious answer (leggy/boobage/blonde chick). That cannot be it. The question in the video, while it could be meaningful, in that specific video, it is, well, I honestly don't know what I should call it.

All I know is, it's pissing me off, lol.
and such a girl is married to a man? poor man. knowing his girlfriend is a hoe, poor dude.

The reason for so many views are that there are so many perverts out there that it is obvious she gets so many views.

Look at the publish date it's 2007 and since she is a YT partner, her search results appear before non-partners. And since she used such a catchy keyword, back then, there weren't many videos I guess, that too which were by partners so she got views of people who clicked on the link out of curiosity. Or it could just be fake. kkthnxbai
Not true, local. If you view count goes too high all of a sudden, youtube freezes it. Not only that, if you are caught using a hitbooster, your partnership is gone. Unless you do a prolonged hitbooster but yeah, I doubt it.

Also, YT only counts the view when you watch the all video. Sad, but true.
Yes local, there are many ways but she only did it for this video(that's if she used hitsboosting). It's probably the keywords imo.
prob as said previously its the blonde chick w big tits in teh video... it will likely get lots of hits for tht,and the title alone being "Best Ever" would likely lead to alot of hits on that video i imagine.. i didnt look what the tags were on the video but that could also contribute to a ton of views as well if there are words like boobs lol... tons of teen pervs on youtube as well though so i imagine thts all it is

Also, she has other vids as well iMage, it's only this vid that's got the high view count.
El_j, the title of the video was "Best Sex Ever", but she has changed the title recently.

There is so many people that is searching for these kind of stuff, even on youtube, so there isn't really weird that a chick, that makes a video about sex gets so many views.
That's why people made Porn Websites, people usually go to youtube and type 'big boobs' 'sexy chick' instead of just going on some porn sites and jerk off, simple as that - i think.

Plus, she's talking about Your Best Ever Sex, i can't imagine how many people from those 2 million viewers have actually jerked off to that video/lol.
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