Yonzy - File Hosting + Media Streaming - No Wait Times - PPD Rewards

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the late response. I didn't get the post notification.

Funny yesterday i upload 2 files and on my acc is big 0 files... can you check this web upload ? nick krzy6io

This has been corrected now. Looked like a session issue between the servers. I sent you a PM asking for file names. If you send me that back I should be able to move these files into your account.

also please check tiers as system does count them wrong

We have a ticket active for you.

On a side note: I believe I have contacted everyone that is affected with downloads not being counted the past few days. If I missed you, please open a ticket ASAP. Once this issue is fixed completely, all your downloads will be converted to tier a downloads regardless of origin for the inconvenience. You will know this is you if all downloads say tier d and ip limit reached.

Thanks for the bug reports.
Hello, can you check your login system? Login to account isn´t possible. I give correct username and password, after 100% loading you see again only login and password form. Have made password reset but same mistake.
these guys stopped rewards all our money gone. they won't pay anymore

Thanks for skipping all lines of normal communication to give wrong information and look like an idiot. You've kept trends of the Internet going in the same direction. Congrats

Ok, works. Now where is reward page?
He's right about the one thing. The rewards program is gone, but the whole site is going to be gone soon. This was the email sent out a while back:

Hello everyone,
Unfortunately we have decided to shut off all servers for Yonzy very soon. We have lost Nick for approximately the next year a week back and he was the main point for Yonzy. It's just too much for two of us to run multiple projects and try to maintain Yonzy to a decent level on the side. The profit does not make it worth it in the long run since it's not very large.
All accounts will still be paid out within a couple days as normal and the file servers will stay active for another month before being wiped and used on other projects. The rewards program has been disabled.We suggest not uploading files you want shared for a long period of time as well.
We apologize for the inconnvenience, but it's for the best in the long run to focus on main projects and not neglect Yonzy to the point you want to scream.
Thanks everyone,
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