Yonzy - File Hosting + Media Streaming - No Wait Times - PPD Rewards

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At the moment it's just the detailed statistics on the rewards page as well as individual stats per file. We can check that out in the next release. Still a few additional things to add first though.
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- FTP comes with next server update
- Remote upload is running great. I did a sample file of 67MB and it was about 3 - 5 seconds before it gave me the download link

Thanks for the suggestion though :)
- FTP comes with next server update
- Remote upload is running great. I did a sample file of 67MB and it was about 3 - 5 seconds before it gave me the download link

Thanks for the suggestion though :)

I can confirm RU being fine. :good:

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
So it's all good, flaiho?

Added after 3 Hours 21 minutes:

A question we're getting a lot over skype support is:

Do we count IPs multiple times?

If you upload 7 files and share them with the same user you will receive 7 credited downloads if they download file 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

If that user downloads file 1 - 7 and downloads file 7 twice, you only get credited once for the file 7.

Hopefully this clears that up :) This is a promo that no set end date or thoughts to change.
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Well, if this is true, it's very, very alarming, indeed.

Which part?

Most of it is true aside from the mastid thing. Not sure who that is.

Jesse has owned image hosting services in the past that paid users and didn't default on accounts.

Nothing was hidden. No privacy protect on the domains. Yonzy had privacy protect after owning it for over 6 months to chop down on spam a bit.
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