Dedicated xXReMoTeSXx |Escritorio Remoto, Windows 2008, 1GB velocidad, 250GB HDD, 2GB Ram

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Remotes RoberWii

Planes de 1 GBps de Velocidad

Plan 1

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 2GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 250GB
Velocidad: 1Gbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 50$

Plan 2

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 4GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 250GB
Velocidad: 1Gbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 65$

Plan 3

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 2GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 500GB
Velocidad: 1Gbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 56$

Plan 4

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 4GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 500GB
Velocidad: 1Gbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 80$

Planes de 100MBps de Velocidad

Plan 1

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 2GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 250GB
Velocidad: 100Mbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 30$

Plan 2

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 4GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 250GB
Velocidad: 100Mbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 45$

Plan 3

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 2GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 500GB
Velocidad: 100Mbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 36$

Plan 4

Procesador: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memoria Ram: 4GB en ram
Espacio en Disco: 500GB
Velocidad: 100Mbps
Trafico Mensual: Ilimitado
SO: Windows Server 2008 (32 Bits o 64 Bits) o Windows Server 2003 (32 Bits)
Localizacion: USA

Precio : 50$

*Los servidores tienen una duracion de 1 mes :D
Tiempo de Entrega : 24Horas-72Horas

Ustedes son los Administradores de su Servidor , con el cual os permitira instalar programas sin pedirnos permisos para ello.


...::: Programas Instalados:::...

DVD Shrink
File&Uploader Image
Thumbnail me

*Java = Para el funcionamiento del JDowloader




Duracion de 15 Minutos

Correo de Contacto:
Nuevas Altas por MP como Asunto Remote o por MSN.


PAYPAL = Vosotros pagais los FEES de PAYPAL.

*EXTRA=Para nuevos pedidos,hay una oferta que se compone de File&Uploader Image por 5$ y Registrado.
*Extra = Instalo servidor FTP por 3$ mas al precio primario.


-Gente que ha Alquilado un servidor de estos :D

Hiper Mega recomenado el servicio, hablado y en 5 minutos contrato hecho y el servidor listo funcionanndo con todo lo especificado en el primer post en menos del tiempo que figura en el post principal,

Gracias mi amigo.-

Lo Pedi Hace Dos Dias Atras y Hoy Ya Lo tengo Funcionando
Gracias Amigo!


Plans 1 Gbps

Plan 1

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memory Ram: 2GB ram
Disk Space: 250GB
Speed: 1Gbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 50

Plan 2

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Ram Memory: 4GB ram
Disk Space: 250GB
Speed: 1Gbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 65

Plan 3

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memory Ram: 2GB ram
Disk Space: 500GB
Speed: 1Gbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 56

Plan 4

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Ram Memory: 4GB ram
Disk Space: 500GB
Speed: 1Gbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 80

Speed plans 100MBps

Plan 1

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memory Ram: 2GB ram
Disk Space: 250GB
Speed: 100Mbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 30

Plan 2

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Ram Memory: 4GB ram
Disk Space: 250GB
Speed: 100Mbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 45

Plan 3

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Memory Ram: 2GB ram
Disk Space: 500GB
Speed: 100Mbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 36

Plan 4

Processor: Intel Xeon 3050/E6500
Ram Memory: 4GB ram
Disk Space: 500GB
Speed: 100Mbps
Monthly traffic: Unlimited
OS: Windows Server 2008 (32 bit or 64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit)
Location: USA

Price: $ 50

* The servers have a duration of 1 month
Delivery Time: 24 Hours-72Horas

You are the administrators of your server, which will allow you to install programs without asking permission to.

Installed Programs :::... ...:::

DVD Shrink
File & Image Uploader
Thumbnail I

* Java = For operating JDowloader


Duration 15 Minutes

Contact Email:
New High for MP as Topic Remote or MSN.


Ye = you pay the PAYPAL PAYPAL FEES.

* EXTRA = For new orders, there is an offer that consists of File & Image Uploader for $ 5 and Registered.
* Extra = Install FTP server for $ 3 more primary price.

-People that have rented a server from these

Mega Hyper recomenado service, spoken and in 5 minutes and the server contract made ready funcionanndo with everything specified in the first post in less time given in the post main

Thanks my friend .-

I ordered two days ago and today and I have a working
Thanks Dude!

Already translated to English. The two screenshots are an example of the server, you can choose between Windows 2003 or Windows 2008.

Sounds like a good deal.....the layout of the post is all over with the giant pic though lol
So how do I order one of plan 3 1gbit?
Your Prices look very Good.
But hard to believe that you are offering 1 Gbit unmetered bandwidth for 80$.
Are you sure its Dedicated server and not RDP ?
Let us know
Again, this is a dedicated server with Remote Desktop function, the same desktop that you have at home but more upload and download speed, etc.
I have the wrong section, this is the section devoted not?
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