XtremeSharez New Skin

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Active Member
i have changed Xtremesharez to new custom skin ..i need some reviews regarding this new skin ..give your opinion

lol u call that custom? ..just color change :) ..anyways yea it looks dull dude .. do something better with the header banner n maybe it wont look that boring
To be honest, its not that unique...just a grey-scale bluefox, or greenfox, or orangefox, or etc...

Plus, I think you need some more colors... ekogok was right, its too dull.
Site is looking good (Content)
But, I have to say :( Skin is looking Dull.
Better if you put a new Bright one ;)
It will attract more Users ;)
Other everything is good :)
Remove that ugly white outline on the forum cats.
This is like the 5th post containing a custom skin which is just an altered skin which has already been constructed, god what is the scene coming too, over saturated by the unintelligent.
mate this ain't a custom skin it is just green/blu fox edited..

and you really gotta sort out the speed of that site it took me over 5 minutes to just load the front page (no joke)

EDIT: it only loaded half of the actually forum :( and your header does not blend in with the rest of the top
Remove that ugly white outline on the forum cats.
This is like the 5th post containing a custom skin which is just an altered skin which has already been constructed, god what is the scene coming too, over saturated by the unintelligent.

+1 ..
I quite like that skin actually. I think it kind of fits in with hacking/warez etc so overall i think it is very nice.

Nice forum, keep it up:)

The skin looks ok just need to sort the banner out to make it fit in

nothing special every warez site seems to have blue/green/orange/ect/ect/...fox skin

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