XFilesharing Official Support


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Hello Everyone.

We're the authors of XFilesharing file sharing script. Feel free to post your questions here. We will be happy to help you.

Here's the short description for those who never heard about our script:

XFilesharing Pro is an advanced solution for creating professional file sharing services. It can be installed on any virtual/shared or dedicated Linux hosting. You can customize look and feel of your site with basic knowledge of HTML and place banners, adsense or other type advertisement on its pages. You also can quickly monetize your service selling premium accounts.

By the way, if you already purchased script by yourself - you can give your affiliate link to your friend and you will get 10% from your friend's purchase.

Check official product page: https://sibsoft.net/xfilesharing.html

Sibsoft Team
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Yes thats what i meant i got suspended 3 times on a hosting even though i had a business account with them :(
the other problem with shared is that they have php upload limit set only if u have business package as i had then u could do that and the user said that he had hortator baby package keeping that in mind hostgator are the biggest liars in their support page they say that they allow ffmpeg but when hosting bought they say that they dont
Yes thats what i meant i got suspended 3 times on a hosting even though i had a business account with them :(
the other problem with shared is that they have php upload limit set only if u have business package as i had then u could do that and the user said that he had hortator baby package keeping that in mind hostgator are the biggest liars in their support page they say that they allow ffmpeg but when hosting bought they say that they dont

So which hosting would you recommend for this? Is that the reason I am having that problem?
It can be hosted on shared. But you may get a lot of trouble. Shared servers are too limited in resources and usually have too strict security policies.
[STRIKE]bought the script, but all i got to my e-mail was order receipt. How do i get the script itself?[/STRIKE]

Thank you for ordering XFileSharing Pro.

Your order is currently passing fraud checks. When it will be checked (usually during 3-12 hours), you will receive link to our download system and will be able to download XFileSharing Pro.

If you will have any questions about download and/or installation, do not hesitate to contact us (support@sibsoft.net).

Sibsoft Team
meh, i thought i could get started today already :(
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script need 28gb ram for 600 users
need high resources
Do you mean 600 concurent downloads, or just 600 registered users? If it's the later, then you're definetely doing something wrong - misconfiguration of apache maybe? If it's the former, then it's time to move on to ngnix.
HI guys,

i am looking for someone who has experience with xfilesharing servers/config etc.

If you have the experience i would like to hire you.

pm me with ur skype infos.


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