XFileShare.eu - Earning Plan PPD (All Countries Paid)

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Earnigs are ok for this few dls my files getting, but there are some things to fix:


2012-04-15 zero DLs but eleven cents? (nice, haha)

And why premium/refs are listed if they are deactivated?

Yesterday remote from other hosters dont worked, today upload is fully premium only.

The script for details was added the day after the activation of the plan of earning, then XPoints accumulated first were imported without the download count.

They are listed because in the future will be paid.

We recently had a hardware problem, and we're finishing the last maintenance.
In a few days everything back to normal.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

allow sex videos?

Sex video is allowed if not child abuse.

8- b. harm minors in any way, this includes any form of pornography, if sufficiently severe, the content will be reported to the competent authorities and / or will contact the provider user;

View : http://www.xfileshare.eu/tos.html

Regards, XFileShare Team
I don't understand like 1312 I earn 0.03 cts by donwload so 3 xp for 1000, but it's write on your website 3 xp by 1000 for anonymous and 9 for member free so I don't understand why we not earn 0.09 xp by donwload so
9 xp for 1000 ?

member free are registered member or not ?

Earnings 9 XPoints x 1000 download by Member Free.
So if people downloading your files is a Free Anonymous, receive 0,003 XPoints, if the visitor is logged in (then Member Free), you get 0,009 XPoints.

when will be ur servers available for free users??i already registered & will try this host..lets see what happens

We recently had a hardware problem, and we're finishing the last maintenance.
Is currently available for upload, only for Premium Members.
The reason is because we are installing new servers and we must enter the FTP upload.
In a few days everything back to normal.

Regards, XFileShare Team
For 48h~ xfileshare.eu upload (for ALL member) is maintenance for installation FTP Upload.

View news : http://www.xfileshare.eu/n21-ultime-manutenzioni-last-maintenance.html

Regards, XFileShare Team

Added after 1 Day 4 Hours:

Work finished maintenance on our servers.
All services are back active, and now for all Premium Members will be available FTP upload.

There still apologize for the inconvenience, has been credited 1 day free for all Premium Member as reimbursement the disservice.

Regards, XFileShare Team
Last edited:
bye bye xfile

just do not find your behavior, you offered a free coupon to try the premium service, and just because it is not allowed to use it to convert money then write bye bye.


XFileShare reaches across 7 days, her 2 ^ Anniversary, and we with the occasion to make you the gift!

Up to 5 May there will be special discounts on packages Premium Member, take advantage before it's too late!

With packages 6 Months, 1 Year and Unlimited, includes a free non-expiring coupon to give to whoever you want.

Also on our Facebook page, 5 May will be assigned a free coupon from the value of 1 Year.
Learn how to participate: www.facebook.com/xfileshare
It's simple. Because Earnings table:

Anonymous Free 3.00 Member Free 9.00 Premium Member 15.00
Do you get it?
Download it would be only for MEMBER FREE OR PREMIUM MEMBER.
We want to give everyone the opportunity to use our service. The earning plan is an additional service. We can not make this the basis of our services.
We appreciate your opinion.

Regards, XFileShare Team
I understand the problem.
The problem is Malwarebytes. This program lock the web site.
If the user, use this program, they must uncheck lock site.

Now i work fine!
I try and i like it :-)
Right now, upload is only for Premium, we are working to optimize a server to load the large increase in traffic.

Regards, XFileShare Team
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