Today stats frozen for me.What happens?
Today stats frozen for me.What happens?
shaving mode activated :thumbdown:
username: nice
whats your xerver username mate ?
Guys tomorrow (7 November) is payout request day, if you requested within this time means, you will get paid in 16 November.
Please click before 12AM CET
CET ? Central European Time (Time Zone Abbreviation)
@Peter South
1. When are you going to start paying what you owe to your affiliates?
we paid most, reamining will be paid.
2. When are you going to learn that relying on PayPal to pay your affiliates simply is not possible?
paying through paypal is easy for us, comparing to webmoney.
3. Why do I continue to see many uploads failing and/or transferring at painfully slow speeds?
we fixed most, now speed is stable.
4. What steps do you plan on taking to resolve the issues listed in #3 so that Xerver's affiliates can continue to help grow your file host?
we're financially stable as sales are normally doubling every day, also we're working hard for stable system, new servers will added soon to stabilize all.
we already hired 2 server administrators for fixing issues, they fixed most.
1. You have paid me in the past, and even though it wasn't via the method in which we initially agreed upon that you would provide, payment was sent. The issue is that in the past whenever I've had to wait as long as I have for this payment it has always resulted in me never seeing a dime.
I understand that a two week hold usually has to go into effect for an affiliate to be awarded for the sale, and I'm totally on board and OK with this to prevent scams and to properly handle chargebacks and what not. However holding payouts for extended periods of time after the payout has been requested (such as what you are doing) is unacceptable....
2. PayPal is easy, but PayPal is also extremely vulnerable to being shut down which is why PayPal is not a smart decision for a file host to rely on. Webmoney is 100% useless from my point of view so I'm not sure why this was brought up in your response. If you want to attract lucrative affiliates you need to offer bank wire payments.
3. Still don't know what it is that was fixed, but nevertheless I just ran four parallel upload processes on 1500 files from one of my dedicated servers with a gigabit up-link. I can confirm at this time that the speeds are vastly improved but uploads are continuing to fail at an unacceptable rate. I simply can not upload to a file host with this level of failures.
4. Your answer here is very concerning as it fails to properly identify the issues raised in addition to talking about financial status which is completely irrelevant to the question and appears to have been injected into your answer to deflect the fact that Xerver continues to exhibit severe technical problems.
@Peter South
as you asked payout in 25 oct, you will be paid on 16th november.
Also we'ha few issues thats true, i am not hiding any, but we're fixing all one by one, still now we paid all (except 2 or 3 accounts, that may resolved with our TOS)
you still not replied about paypal id or method.