Xerver.co - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

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i uploads many files but my account only 117 files can i know how i can chack detail of delt files i submit same things some previous page but no replay i thinks thay have no answer ???


If your files are deleted you will receive a list of deleted files via email.

You can also see files deleted in your "my files" area.

Best Regards

my file got only 1 download.. but others have many.. 5 days inactive files will delete? -.-

can u upgrade my account .. username : marpycoco

people cant download at 150kbs its 80kbs no one isent going to wait 3 hours for a 700mb file to download

and generating links is takeing long time to generate so hardly no downloads
Do you pay your affiliate when someone buy premium via their files through reseller?


Currently we do not pay for reseller sales. We might add this in the future.



people cant download at 150kbs its 80kbs no one isent going to wait 3 hours for a 700mb file to download

and generating links is takeing long time to generate so hardly no downloads

Please PM me with one of our files so that I can test it.


i uploads many files but my account only 117 files can i know how i can chack detail of delt files i submit same things some previous page but no replay i thinks thay have no answer ???


If your files are deleted you will receive a list of deleted files via email.

You can also see files deleted in your "my files" area.

Best Regards

where i can see it ?


Currently we do not pay for reseller sales. We might add this in the future.



people cant download at 150kbs its 80kbs no one isent going to wait 3 hours for a 700mb file to download

and generating links is takeing long time to generate so hardly no downloads

Please PM me with one of our files so that I can test it.



remove reseller links from premium page
@ smartboy or xerver

i already requested one payout for ur next schedule which is on oct 1

suppose if i again reached minimum payout of 10$ today

what happen if i request payout today...whether it will add it up or it will be separate

i'm happy if its added up...so that i need not wait for another 15 days

need ur reply

as i already told u...now i reached minimum payout again

shall i request another payout now ?

whether it will added up ?? i want total amount as payout so that i need not wait another 15 days for payout ?

my username : coolguy

pls check and reply...i'm waiting
smart boy please help someone is hacked my account and request money can you please canel it

i changed the details and put security lock but i need to canel the request of the money
PM replied.

Dont worry, i will cancel the payout.

I got 3 requests for cancelling Payout, so Guys please re-check your account WME/Paypal ID

Hackers/Crackers started to target users (Please Install/Update Antivirus in your PC)

Re-Check Data & Enable Security Lock NOW !
Last edited:
Dear Users

Performing some quick maintenance on our servers.

We have upgraded our storage capacity and added new servers and bigger ports to handle the increase in uploads.

Will udpate everyone shortly.

Best Regards

Dear Users

Performing some quick maintenance on our servers.

We have upgraded our storage capacity and added new servers and bigger ports to handle the increase in uploads.

Will udpate everyone shortly.

Best Regards

during weekend :facepalm:
hope yu finish soon and not like the last time.
I will give yu another 3 days of try after that I will delete all my files and move
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