X4B.ORG - Reverse Proxy Hosting - Hide your Server IP (Russia, Sweden, USA, Romania)

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oh ok. so can i host onshore and the onshore company i will be hosting with doesn't check its users websites will it work? Oh and will one ip be good for 30 ish sites
Yes, but it depends on the size of the sites. Bandwidth is unmetered at this stage howeaver we consider fair use (per IP) to be 200gb (400gb in+out), in the future we will meter this. Howeaver thats alot of bandwidth.
Ok, just a FYI to anyone else reading this thread after kohkindachi there is only two more IPs left on the NL service (waiting on more from Ecatel at the moment) so if anyone else wants to try it with no intention of buying consider others.
Egypt node has arrived and is being setup. Should be ready tonight guys. Only one slot available on it at the moment so if you want it reserve it.
Attention all! Major fuck up, disk corruption caused the VPS (due to an idiot tech) to corrupt the container and we have lost all the data on the backend VPS!

Change your IPs back to their origional now, Service will be back in a few days (I have to start from scratch) and all money will be put back into the service (with a small bonus).

We need to know your IPs though if you want your original back.

If you want your IP back now please send me the transaction ID, IP address to foward and the IP on our end and Ill set it up.

[EDIT] Ill be reserving all old IPs for 2 days, if you want them back we need to know now. Registrations will be back as soon as new IPs arive OR in 2 days time which ever is sooner.

[EDIT2] Despite this hold back the Egypt service will be online tonight (with one slot available first)
Hello SplitIce,

I remember you hosted decod.in in NL right?
I need a reverse proxy for a site like that.

I have signed up but it seems you no longer have Ecatel IPs :(

Please reply,


Thanks in advance.
Another 3 IPs added today. Im not sure about the laws reguarding reverse engineering in Netherlands, I beleive you would be fairly ok providing you arent infringing any copywrites directly (be careful with logo's and ensure you have a disclaimer)
Ok. Thanks splitice.

I am using all my sites trough your reverse proxy service.
One of my sites is still "down" because dns (that should be fixed soon).

I have a lag of 12ms with netdirekt so its good.

Thanks for making this service available :)

Kind regards,
What exactly do I change here?


BTW fake ips there
Where it says "hq-uploads.com." 14400 IN A
put the IP in the last box.

Also if you want your mail to work you need to make sure the mail subdomain still points to your server so where it says "mail" change that from CNAME->A and put the real ip of your server
Also where it says MX change the last box to say mail.hq-uploads.com.
Basicly that will ensure the mail still gets delivered to your server.

I have here a dump of what I use for my server, please note the mail IP i am giving is not where the site is really hosted its just a mail server.

nexusddl.com. - 14400 - IN - A -
www.nexusddl.com. - 13222 - IN - A -
mail.nexusddl.com. - 14400 - IN - A -
well the problem i have is his site is down. it worked earlier not sure whats going on. do i use the ip from the server at his registrar or your ip?
Where it says "hq-uploads.com." 14400 IN A
put the the proxy IP we gave you in the last box.

the last step is only neccesary if you want to receive mail on the domain.
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