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Hey Willy Wupload have you ever think about transform wupload in joint stock company, so anyone can buy stock and you can invest that money in equipment and stockholder will get a part of company profit in proportion of their ownership of the WU (as same as any other joint stock company do)? It's a good way to get some extra money to invest in a new servers, etc.
it would be great if wupload would be still counting downloads! I hope you won't just delete files because of inactivation and then disappear! I don't care about money, just stay online!
Ok affiliate program is closed, but will wupload still stay alive and will RU still work ?
Im using Ru from FS to Wupload and also Wupload to FS , will this still be possible ?
I liked it because Ru worked instantly , but now i dont seems to be able to RU from FS anymore....
please check my account : not received money in webmoney account but status appear paid

Don't worry, vip!

We have your account in the list of payments to be reprocessed! :)


downloads are not being counted


See first page, navio!


it would be great if wupload would be still counting downloads! I hope you won't just delete files because of inactivation and then disappear! I don't care about money, just stay online!

As long as your account is premium they will be protected!


willy kindly pay meeeeeeeeeeeeee.


^^^ Click Final Payout Request and Make request fast.

Make sure to request your payout, Tushavi!

We'll be processing some of the requests before end of day! :)

Remote upload glitch?

Yesterday I used remote upload for some FS files.
26 small files. In each case there was a second 'version' of the file also uploaded but only .05 megabytes in size :O

Later I remoted another 36 files and got the exact same thing. :(

I noticed that when the files appear in the queue list, there is an extra file appearing as www.11@Filesonic.... Rest of the info is the same. This seems to be creating the .05 megabyte duplicates.

It's a bit annoying having to go through the files and delete the (useless) extras.

I don't know if this is a problem with the wupload or filesonic side. :blink:

Is anyone else having a similar issue?
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