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Thank you, your payout has been requested.

But i don't see any change , don't see nothing that will show to me that i requested payout , and that the payout is pending ... ?!

thank you !
People are so impatient here. I have seen a filehost closing down its program and paying honestly. At-least, respect his time. I'm glad that it's not like others who just ate up our money and went away.

Thanks Willy for all your support and help throughout. I was quiet satisfied and will continue to use WU as a mirror.
How could some guys be so ungratefull to Wupload after all what Willy done for them? Stop being worry for nothing, didn't you guys received your payment last wenesday?
Personally i haven't set my payment account properly, i contact their service after having fixed my payment details and i received my payment in less than 24H, How about that?
Thanks for everythings Willy, and i wish you the very best of luck in your futur :sun:
you sure?
I have been doing it two time, the request button still appear...
dude D-Tales is just giving his suggestion , that after requesting final payout, the request link should disappear so that people would be confirmed that they made a successful payout request.
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