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I vote for killing Google translate, because of it's contribution to meaningless translations, and turning good posts into useless, non-understandable crap.

Simplement le meilleur host wupload et jamais personne ne viendra un jour un homme honnête et sypma proffesionnel comme Willy je suis dans ce domaine depuis 2009 je n'ais jamais vu quelqu'un comme lui Willy avec wupload ma vie a été tout changer Je feraistous et je ne peux pas le remercier gràace a lui je pouvais mettre un sourire sur le visage de beaucoup de gens... beaucoup de monde va dire oh tu as volé bla bla bla, mais mon Dieu si il veux faire le malin il ne répond à aucun message dans le forum et aller le poursuivre personne ne le connais face a face ...,WILLY je promets de ne pas supprimer tout lien de mon compte au moins je peux vous faire une petite faveur pour Vous, je vous souhaite du succès et vous réussirez j'en suis sûr .....

in french :)
My godness.....
I .. I can't believe this.. Please Willy tell me its November Fools or something !
Uploading was my work ! Now what's im going to do ? how can i afford money to eat , to wear , to cover my brothers studies ??
Maybe its not just the end of Wupload , I think its the end of my life....
Thanks willy for everything ....

Amazing post. Now, be a good boy, get up and start hitting your head into the wall.

Everyone in real world support their family with real jobs unlike you who was too lazy to either study or find way to get decent job.

You need some professional help. (y)
Im uploading on wupload since april 2011. In that time i earned 66$ in paid and have 11$ unpaid $. Hope they dont screw me over for 15% of my earnings :P

I need that money to eat.

All kidding aside WU was rly good service but uploading is rly hard and time consuming "hobby" to be worked for nothing. I saw all of the biggest upload sites already added other host in WU place.
If you decide you want to open another Filehost, count me in, because lets face it, Hish Ricky Greg Mike or others dont have what you have! Rock On Willy Wupload!

If Willy comes back and opens a new filehost and the programs are the same as Wupload that only means that he is lying and Wupload is really making money. Why would he open another filehost if Wupload lost money? So he could lose even more money?

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I'm going to still use Wupload until the end of the year, for the respect I have for my downloaders and give them the right to choose from where they want to download the files I provide for them.

It dosen't take much to make a Wupload mirror of your files for a while, just for the sake of those that wasted there money in long term premiums.

And it's my way to say thanks for Willy, he at least tried, and gave good money to a lot of guys arround the world.

When "dirty" money is involved, shit always happens. Sooner or later.

My Sincere Compliments Willy!
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That's a Good One Kopler.

Same like you, i won't delete all my files in all Wupload folder, those files only delete automatic by them because DMCA.

I will let them, and let my downloaders choose to use other hosting or wupload links.

And we should consider this...Willy still Pay you till the end...hey they can close their service without announcement...but no...they still respect you all by making announcement and said will pay your last earnings...!!! I think many of us have seen many dead hosting close their service without announcement and without paying you, but wupload don't do that, Respect that...!
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