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66 / $0.29 my stats is good but money is very bad that don't increasing with stats :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Hey, ernestger!

Take a look at the countries where your downloads are coming from! Check to see if the traffic is coming from A, B, C or D countries!

That should give you an idea of why some days you'll have higher download counts than others, but less $ than some days with lower download counts! :)


FS to Wu is working for any1?

It depends if you mean Fileserve or Filesonic. If it's Fileserve, they blocked us a little while back, though from time to time it has been known to work.


Guys Really good day

i love wupload


Keep up the good work, Sniper! :)


no. it`s an old referal. it disapear today from my list... maybe a technical issue?

If they're somebody that for any reason have had their account deleted, that could explain it. Also, look for anybody who may have changed their nickname in your list.

PM me the name so I can let you know for sure!

lmfao ^ ew.

By the way, Willy please do something to improve the download speeds. Someone complained that it took them nearly 3 hours to download a 350mb file O_O

Hey, boogie!

We're always working on improving download speeds for all downloaders, no matter where their countries - but of course, there are still some servers which will process more requests than others, slowing down the speeds.

If ever you notice a file or files which are giving slower DL speeds, PM it to me so I can identify the server it's on!



best day ever on PPS:



Great work, QHarry! :)

I`m not saying that exactly USA speeds are low , read my entire post :) And download speeds are directly related to the current traffic - if there is 1000000 USA users downloading this will affect the download speed 10x more than if there is 100000 ;) Wupload is really popular host now and with the popularity comes the need of adding more and more new servers to handle all of the download requests @ reasonable speed . But adding servers is not that easy as you might think :) As Willy repeatedly stated - They are adding servers every week and at some point all speeds will be at good levels .

yes wu is really popular now ,hope more server is available so the downloadspeed could be fast as before
my states are very low :( compare to other hosts ... but was days/weeks ago everything was fine but now wupload earning decreasing

is it states working ?
stats are not good, but every day is worse.
I am only sorry that I stopped working on the fileserve hoping to be able to increase the number of downloads on wupload but I got the opposite every day a smaller number of downloads.
And dont said that I dont share something what no one will download becouse
I have already 5 years in this.
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