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This was for the missing stats from yesterday - we credited you your Monday earnings!

Hmm The Monday stats were off as well - p.s : the issue started monday then followed on tuesday completely........

Monday - i had one of the higher traffic than usual and saw a pretty bump in filesonic / fileserve stats :)
Wupload as my primary filehost however - lower than usual ......
stats r low m stuck again

very low stats, where do i go??

25 minutes ago I downloaded my 3 files from 3 different ip's.
None of them was counted.
All 3 files have 0 downloads.
Average speed was good,around 200 kB/s.

Please stop with that All of you and everyone who is thinking of posting LOW STATS . Willy is aware of the stats problem and We have to wait for his answer - Thats all - No need for further spamming :|
Hey, newuploader!

This was for the missing stats from yesterday - we credited you your Monday earnings!

We are looking into today's download counts right now, everybody! :)

I will update you as soon as possible!


Hey, Th3KiNG!

PM me and we can get this cleared up before payouts happen :)


Same with you, yuyu! :)


Hi Willy, I sent pm for you, please check it.
Thank you so much :)
Hey, all!

Our stats script is updating slowly, but the stats are not lost as yesterday's issue.

Of course, coming off of a day like yesterday I can understand if there is some scepticism, but I can assure you we'll get the lag cleared up and you'll see your proper stats! :)

My apologies for the inconvenience! :)


Willy chk my pm!! missing download for wht?? me was set PPS plan... pls chk my account!!!

I'm getting to all PMs now, AmanderShare!

I will take a look! :)


willy can you tell me when i will get my payment

Hey, titousekr!

Payments happen before midnight, server time! :)

Stats will get back to normal guys.
Use some brain and if you dnt have.. then there is no solution for your stupidity.
And people with some brains Wont post this message again

"My stats are fkkng low"

Get this in your head guys :)
Please upgrade my account to premium

I'm signed up 8 day and i'm active! So can I Have Premium?

ID : 884591

thank you.
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