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Hello Willy:

I would like to offer you a suggestion. Almost every time people go to the official file hosting thread and hit reply without caring to search if someone else has already reported the issue.

It would be better if you add some kind of announcement directly at the stats page along the lines of "We are aware of the problems causing the stats to not update in your panel and we are working diligently to fix it. Don't panic as all your downloads and earnings are being counted in the background. We estimate the stats will be updated in (your real estimation X 2) hours".

That would certainly decrease the amount of useless replies reporting that "the sky is falling because the stats haven't updated and oh! so evil Willy who is hiding instead of answering every post within 15 milliseconds".

Just my 2 cents.
Willy please call moderator and pay if it need to clean this thread (last 20 pages) from stupidity bcz this is webMASTER hangout with prety much higher IQ of members or normal at least but we see here completly diferent case like it's forum of


Agree with this I guess we should call moderators and clean up this mess.

Nice thought;)
Willy please call moderator and pay if it need to clean this thread (last 20 pages) from stupidity bcz this is webMASTER hangout with prety much higher IQ of members or normal at least but we see here completly diferent case like it's forum of


Don't worry Willy not sad from us
he is good man and understand how much we angry
from this problemX-(
Wupload Download Stats Issue 01/11

To our valued friends and affiliates,

As you all know, we had a download stats lag issue which lead to slow updates of stats on Monday, October 31 and unusually low counts on Tuesday, November 1.

While we were able to correctly update the download stats for Monday, unfortunately, there was a window of time on Tuesday where the download stats were indeed lost.

As compensation, we will be crediting all affiliates who earn from download counts their Monday earnings, which will be added on top of the download counts which were recovered for Tuesday.

i.e. If on Monday you earned $100 from download counts and Tuesday you earned $25 after the count issue was fixed,
you will be credited $100 for a total of $125.

We have identified and fixed the issue so it will not happen again. My apologies for the inconvenience!

To our valued friends and affiliates,

As you all know, we had a download stats lag issue which lead to slow updates of stats on Monday, October 31 and unusually low counts on Tuesday, November 1.

While we were able to correctly update the download stats for Monday, unfortunately, there was a window of time on Tuesday where the download stats were indeed lost.

As compensation, we will be crediting all affiliates who earn from download counts their Monday earnings, which will be added on top of the download counts which were recovered for Tuesday.

i.e. If on Monday you earned $100 from download counts and Tuesday you earned $25 after the count issue was fixed,
you will be credited $100 for a total of $125.

We have identified and fixed the issue so it will not happen again. My apologies for the inconvenience!


So you mean 25%? I just know I earned much more the 25% from the previous day because I uploaded more X-(
We will credit you your earnings from yesterday on top of the earnings from today which were not lost, Mbb15!

That was just an example ;)

Again, my apologies!

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