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Hey, all!

My sincere apologies for the issues which affiliates have been facing today - we are working as hard as we can to fix them, but there is an issue which unfortunately is out of our hands:

We had new servers delivered which were defective and we are awaiting replacement servers, which are late.

At the moment, the entirety of our tech team is pulling overtime to manage the traffic from server to server to ensure that we can get the uploads working, but until these new servers arrive, it will require some patience.

Again, my apologies.


Good job boss!
i uploading one file but......but now not working

Added after 4 minutes:

i upload 2 files

Added after 4 minutes:

thanks boss

i makinf files ;)
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Hey, all!

You'll notice some improvements with web upload and remote upload!

Our techs are working as hard as they can to get things up to snuff while we await our replacement servers!

Thank you all for your patience and understanding!

still haven't got payment yet?

Hey, Mitinew!

Payments happen before midnight, server time! :)


got FTP working at more or less 6mbps today... good.. now i can start with WU again....

Hey, ven666detta!

Outside of peak hours you will have a more or less error free upload via FTP, inside of peak hours some affiliatese will experience some connection issues - but as I had mentioned, we're working on getting managing that!

I thank everybody for their patience and understanding!

Bro look my pm :(

<3 Wupload

Added after 8 minutes:

wupload need to talk with his cousin Hish's.
filesonic with 0 error.
wupload new error day by day :(

willy make up with your cousin and try to get all fix. your filehost is worst filehost everyday i face new problem.

some time this not working then that not working :( :( :( :( :(

<3 and i want to see wupload running fine. like other FS, FSC with less error and prbs
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