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Ahh so funny the mail you send to us 2 days ago...
Here what you write in it:
We recently added dedicated web upload servers, which means that you'll notice a drastic increase in the web upload speed AND an increase in the FTP speeds!
Yeeee -.-
Guys, FTP and web upload dont work, but stats are fine! So i guess downloading is ok. Actually stats are better and better every day :) (still 3 hours left...)

And Remote upload works fine, i upload to other hosts, then tranfer files from there... I dont stop uploading just because two methods dont work, i always try to find a way to put my files to wupload finally...

Thank you Wupload! :)
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And Remote upload works fine, i upload to other hosts, then tranfer files from there... I dont stop uploading just because two methods dont work, i always try to find a way to put my files to wupload finally...

Lucky you, FTP, Web upload dont work for me. RU stuck "in queue" for 30 mins all ready.
Willy want to earn more and more so he chaet count downloads .
in weekend i usually earn at least $60 now $15 only

can anyone imagine this :'(

he Fuck all uploaders X-(
Hello, I have the following problem, had a premium account to pay 26 usd today, 2 referrals and many files, resulting Mu entered account today and none of it was, statistics to 0 and also the date of entry comes from yesterday, but I am for over a month, well I hope I can help, greetings.

Sorry my english but i speak spanish.
ftp: dont work.
Remote: dont work.
web upload: dont work.
zoom: dont work.
stats: working fine for me.

Hmm i guess any of those won;t be fixed any time soon as its sunday - tho they should work more in the weekends as its the busiest days X-D

i am absolutely agree with this. in fact i think better: willy can rest monday and tuesday but work all the weekend. ;)
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