If Things are not working I am sure everyone Has a build up of Files. Do you Know how many thousands of places there is to post.Have a back up plan if something isn't working find new places . new material or post old material. I agree on the weekends Willy Should have to his self. You can also tell by some of the lame posts that there must be some 13-17 year old posing as a mature adult.,Why post anything negative about wupload? They are our associates.Do you really think wupload makes stuff not work on purpose.Are you a good earner for wupload? meaning also keeping in mind to make sales for them that's our bread and butter.I have been doing this since 2008 And I was with a old company for which I changed over to wupload. I did not get paid in the last 2 weeks they still owe me, the have no forum, They suck and are greedy I have to give them 2 days to answer me. If you have been doing this for a while you have to know wupload is the best all the way around.
I know I said I wouldn't post here any more, but you are forcing my hand.
Since I am the only one complaining with big posts and not "RU don't work", I suppose this is for me.
I have been doing this long before any cash rewards were given, worked with the largest (and best hosts), RS and MU. They are still No.1 and No.2 in everything, apart from the rewards. There was a time when RS alone had more than 50% of all files hosted in file hosts. Still, it had no problems in handling upload and download traffic. I still remember.
I am not 13-17, I am nowhere near that. I know a scam when I see it. I am pretty sure that WU is a joke and that Willy is playing with us. What serious professional would say that more than 30 people are reading this thread "because they like the company"? Why always the same problems and why the same crappy service?
1. RU? Files disappear after you leave the RU page.
2. Speed? Sucks, even for premium users.
3. FTP? Doesn't work for 20 hours every day.
4. Stats? Most of the time, frozen.
5. Support? Always the same questions and always the same, temporary solutions.
Should I write more?
Tell me, why is WU the best all the way around? If that's the best, what is the worst? The one with the main page not opening?
Go ahead and tell me, why? Because it pays 40$/1000 dl's? (Btw, not true, you need 1000 premium users to dl files bigger than 2GB, there's no way in hell that will ever happen) Because Willy is here, LAUGHING IN OUR FACE, MOCKING US as if we were children?
If it was up to me, WU wouldn't even have an official thread in here.
WU is a joke and a big one.