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Bah.... RU is stuck again! It was working great this morning with instant RU from Filesonic.....

Willy, cut RU from WU and many of your problems will be fixed.... Theres way 2 many leechers Remoteuploading from WU to WU and thats screwing things up! You know it! >.<
Willy, cut RU from WU and many of your problems will be fixed.... Theres way 2 many leechers Remoteuploading from WU to WU and thats screwing things up! You know it! >.<

Why would they do that?

If Wu to Wu isnt working.
Then people use wu-> fs fsn mu .. -> wu

So you could just allow it it makes no differents
I Agree with Mister "MBB" Don't Stop WU to WU Leech Because now Wupload is new & needs Billion GB's for getting in ranking, if u stop this a lot of taffic lost. not working?

I am using google chrome, this is what I get

Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfil the request.
Ugh...Remote upload not working? Had files in it since last night and not a single one has changed.

Also it made me delete each one of them one by one, i couldn't highlight them all and delete, it would just refresh the page if i did.
It wouldn't be so annoying if you guys had actual System updates on your site or even a twitter feed to say.. Hey we got some problems right now try later.. not F&*K i've been trying to FTP this same damned file for a hour and the connection drops every 2 seconds (same file uploads to fileserve perfectly) Or why the hell is my file in RU still in queue for the last 6 friggin hours !!!!!!
Oh yeah... getting 180kbps for downloads really suck...

Rewards mean nothing if your system is not ready for primetime.

Hey, meiko!

Thanks for pointing that our. We do have a Twitter account which is vastly underutilized, as is the news page.


I Change My Payment Information But Don't Saved.

Hey, loool!

Did you verify the changes via the confirmation e-mail?


Added after 4 minutes:

RU from FSO is instant? How is that possible?

Hey, Dejan!

As we've been working on fixing the RU queue, we've added some new servers specifically to handle Filesonic RU, as it typically makes up the majority of our traffic, and luckily we were able to get them close to theirs!

We are still tackling the issues, but this should help move through some of the traffic!

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payment for 2 weeks, i can't receive, username: uploadmmo

Hi, enzaflews!

This is because you have not hit the minimum payout yet!

We pay automatically every Wednesday for earnings acquired by the previous Sunday - minimum payout is $10!


i didnot receive payment for 2 weeks, what happen username:

Hey, ahmedpeso!

You didn't get paid last week because you had not hit the minimum payout - however, you did as of Sunday, so you'll be getting paid today!


Hello again Willy ,
I want to ask you when i can get the payout ? i mean i reached 40 $ before sunday and today i didn't got the payment , im already configured my plan to Pay per download and put my payment method as Alertpay but i didn't received the payment

Should i wait or what to do please tell me ?

Thank you

Payments happen at end of day, server time, mamiman!


where's the bonus?

The bonus request links went live a week ago, they will show up in your stats in the PROMO column, on 20-07!


hi willy, is down. File stuck at U11.

Can you PM me the link, Joseph?

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