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need a clarification on the promo thing.. lets say its 100% bonus.. that means im getting 100% of my every day's earnings? meaning if im making $50 every day, that means im will get $100 every day?
hey guys,I can't see the promo for the last you know why?

I think promos will be in June 21.

By the way, Willy, when we use remote upload, we can't see our upload speed. Can you able to do that? It would be useful for most people. ;)
I formatted my pc and nstalled last version of browser
but whenever I select ALL files I can not see urls on right. I checked with Opera, firefox, chrome THE last version and updates.


whenever I select only the files of page (100 or 500 files) NOT ALL OF FILES, urls can be visible


Mikevet1984 , are you crazy it kill all sales. You earns good money once and forgot this member
later forever. This is very selfish option not must be added
willy, sometimes when i make a copy of a file and one of the 2 get reported both are deleted, and sometimes only the reported one... how is that possible?
Problem is someone is probably abusing the remote upload feature.

do you mean someone below this words ? :D

(hence, he was banned and he backs with all his complaints, just like he alwasys did) :facepalm:

remote from filesonic gives error 404 now too. I think remote of wupload is overloaded or
too crowded now.

it was fileserve, and now filesonic, what other filehost you will complain again and again ? :facepalm:
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