WTB - Text Links Ads

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Active Member

We Are Looking To Buy Text Links Ads on Websites And Forums

It doesn't matter if the link will be in the header or the footer
but it must me on all pages , DO Follow

Requirements :

Page Rank 2 or Higher
at least 1000+ pages indexed in google
paypal payment

please post your prices + URL

and price for 1 , 2 and 3 months

Waiting your offers
Well i spent 4 days trying to get in contact with him, each time he was online and then went offline as soon as i tried to contact him. I then found him on facebook, he accepted me and i explained who i was and he removed me (block) and cancelled my paypal request for payment. I deem him a scammer until he gives me a damn good reason otherwise!

1. you use automated script to upload
2. most of your mp3's are duplicated
3. most of your mp3's are 0 mb size
4. You flooded the website with 0.70 MB files that has voice say's that i am a scammer

You will NOT be paid a penny , if you consider me a Scammer , its up to you
its personal opinion .

Have a Good Day (Again) ;)
1) screw you its not automated, i choose and review every mp3 (and search for dups)
2) the flooding took place today, got your attention didnt it you can just delete todays uploads to fix that (or delete by md5)
3) after waiting 7 days for payment i am right to call you a scammer, you owe me $60 for my uploads.
4) 0mb files? I have checked over 100 and found none, seeing ive uploaded over 1.5k (600 for free) good mp3 if you find one that has failed hardly my fault.
5) you dissapear when ever i try to talk to you e.g tonight on msn or a couple days ago on facebook.

Get on MSN
well splitice you have valid points, actually i felt the same way, cause im paid after 10 days i guess. ya he should have responded on msn, but see atleast he paid.
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